Okay, so I’ve been scrolling down Instagram reels for too long but I’ve found this account and I wanted your opinions on him! Normally I dislike men who speak solely about women’s issues but he directs this at men and they take men more seriously than they do us.
He isn't saying anything new... Is it good that a dude is putting out this info? Yea... Has it all been discussed in depth by women creators prior to this? Hell yea
Women TikTok content creators say it best! Tops for me are brililworld, Mahamaven (Fumi), Fleeksie, plsleaveamsg, and SharShar/AsianBimbo69’s former posts. If I had to choose the most entertaining & accurate of the guys on TiKTok who call out scrotery it would have to be prettyboykayb1 (who stitches my favorite women creators frequently).
I watch his stuff time to time but nothing extraordinary, just good reminders