Okay, so obviously scrotes everywhere advocate for young, beautiful women to date decrepit, putrefied, balding men so that they have some hope for the future, but I was thinking about it and wouldn’t the most logical idea for women be to date younger men?
Firstly, men age horribly. They use 3-in-1 Lynx face/body/hair wash and go out in the sun so much that they start to resemble old leather handbags. They don’t have hair care or skincare routines, they rarely get treatments or transplants for their male pattern baldness or work to lose their beer guts. Women spend so much time and money on makeup, skincare, hair care, weight loss etc, and it’s obvious that we look pretty spectacular until at least our late 50s-60s. My mum is 58 and still gets hit on by men on a regular basis, not like when scrotes say we’ll dry up by 30 and have 0 options. That is clearly the copium they most desperately need to keep going.
Secondly, older men have too much baggage. They usually have kids (most often dumped on the mum) and emotional issues, they have a long history of being told they’re perfect, and have had many, many years of misogyny training so they can groom and manipulate women. A younger man can be a blank canvas and wouldn’t have as MUCH of an issue (ofc there’d still be that entitlement bc they’d have male socialisation), and we would have a lot more clout/pull bc of how much we know and have been through.
Thirdly, men die well before their wives. Surely it makes sense to marry a guy 5-10 years younger to even that out for women who don’t want to spend their twilight years without a partner? Of course, I understand many women want to stay single in those years but I am speaking to the idea of those who do not.
The only cons would be that young males don’t earn as much money to provide, but I feel like that is changing. immaturity is another issue but I would honestly prefer that to a manipulative asshole in his elderly days.
Agreed. I've only dated one man older than me and I was bored to death- he was set in his ways, started growing a weird looking gut, and I had a wandering eye around better looking younger men. Now I'm with someone 8 years younger than me and not only am I way more sexually attracted to him, but he's a bit more ... malleable (?) if that's the right word... He also has more energy - all I have to do is let him have a 2nd cup of coffee and he'll clean up the whole place and run all the errands in less than an hour. There's also this nice element about many young people these days rejecting the values of porn culture and just wanting a good, somewhat traditional romantic relationship. My guy is like that, so I don't have to deal with all the bs people my age or older throw at me like being fake polyamorous or having no real sex drive or interest in my body or pretending BDSM is normal.
A dear friend of mine is 10 years older than her husband. He worships her.
I say do it, but with some caveats such as him being financially/professionally stable enough that he won't see you as his provider, and only if you know with confidence that you're emotionally able to withstand the side eyes and whispers that will inevitably occur when people find out your ages.
If you're hoping to have children, younger sperm is far less likely to create babies with health/mental problems.
I agree with you! Depending how old you are and how young the man is, I don't think immaturity and not earning as much as you will be a problem. one of the most healthiest couples I know, she is 4 years older than her husband and he is so devoted to her and loves her so much. when they first got together I don’t think he made as much as her, but he does very well now. So even if he’s not making as much as you, it could change.
also for a little bit I had a bit of a work crush on a younger guy, we have good jobs so we’re earning around the same, And doesn’t seem immature
i mentioned in another thread that women who want a younger man don’t have to manipulate them, and the younger man will pursue but older men with a younger woman almost always have to manipulate her into a relationship.
so to each their own !
Are older men really that mature or did they just learn to become a smooth talker over the years? A mature older men would be married and watching his kids go off to college- not creeping around bars for college age girls. So, really, the mature ones are off the market/going after women their own age anyways. I say this because it annoys me to no end when older women are scolded for getting with men younger than them (it can be as little as 5 years) because they are deemed immature (bc weaponized incompetence doesnt exist/s) and told to get with old barnacles for a "fighting chance"- when that's not the case. Another thing- do older men really have more money? Like you said- they have a lot of baggage- child support, alimony, failed businesses, mortgage, loans, cars, hospital bills, lawsuits, etc etc. If an older man were to pay off all his debts he would be flat broke at best- especially since men refuse to book keep. A younger man really won't have that problem- especially if he comes from a well off family or started a business (people be starting businesses at 10 I swear) that has made a profit. I have seen so many girls on juge judy with older boyfriends who talk about taking loans out for their divorce and sending them 1000s of dollars (mainly as gifts but because the old scrote broke up with them they want the money back) so this whole "older men have more money than younger men" bs doesn't work out irl.
You bring up a lot of good points. Prior to FDS I hadn’t considered it but now I am open to it and could see myself with a slightly younger man. Also I have this thing thinking that a younger man would have more “puppy energy/eager to please/energetic/worship the ground I walk”. Not saying an older man couldn’t be like that but I feel a younger man would have that more. At the end of day, it’s more about how well he treats me, provides for me and how much happiness and value he adds in my life.
However my biggest caveat is that I have younger brothers (5 years and 6 years younger than me). So I wouldn’t mind being with a man 1-3 years younger (4 years feels like pushing it) than me. Any younger and it feels like I’m with a man that would be peers with my brother 🤢 and no matter how mature he is I would still feel like a “mom” around him and it would be hard for me to think of him as a “man”. It’s more that I grew up taking care of my younger brothers (babysat them, was the masculina). So unfortunately that role I played any guy that are my brothers age I just see them as children.
i don't mind a younger man. sadly, in my experience, younger men tend to shrink back into a more meek personality in the face of my stronger one after enough time has passed. 🤷🏻♀️
My problem with younger men, like millennials, since I'm gen X, is that they are too into spitting in mouths, slapping and choking during sex. I am searching in gen X because they didn't grow up with poen at their fingers.
I agree with it totally. I typically date men 1-3 years younger and they always been more committed and more invested, more attractive and less baggage.
Love reading the post and the comments! I only recently realized the beauty of dating younger men and trying not to let my own securities about my age get in the way!
Yes, definitely. Even for the sake of your future children if you want them, the younger men are definitely better option. Plus I find younger men less manipulative because I can see right trough their shit, and they know it so they don't even try. And their ego isn't usually so fragile, which I personally can't stand in men.
Can confirm. My fiancé is two years younger than me. not much of an age gap but he is the best relationship I have ever had.
Your reasons remind me so much of shallon Lester's reasoning.