Aren't Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson or Elon Musk fans
Don't go on about toxic femininity
Don't have semi naked women on their social media
Aren't capitalists
Defend women that are unrelated to them against men that are also
Don't watch porn
Don't defend porn
Don't think sleeping with a child is cool
So basically, I am shocked when they aren't sexist
Even liberal men are sexist, but they believe in women being public property and having to pay half - like dude why should I commit to you, have your kids in a world where a bad gender gap exists and still pay to live with you?
My boyfriend meets your criteria, which is why he's my boyfriend. But he's over 40. I can't really speak for men in the 23-32 age bracket but they seem to be getting worse for sure. My niece is only 10 and I dread how degenerate moids will be when she is ready for a relationship.
I believe it's important to have compassion for people who are suffering because they believe themselves to be a different sex from what their DNA/chromosomal combo (and genitalia) dictate. It is obviously a VERY hard existence and they should be treated with kindness and respect.
However, I, too, am annoyed by those of them, and their woke advocates, thinking they get to decide what to call ME. What does "cis" even mean, really? It just sounds weird. No, I am not "cis". I am simply female, a woman. I mean, if someone with a penis and testicles gets to call himself "female/she/her", it's bafflingly illogical that I can't call myself that.
And, NO, I was not "assigned" a sex at birth. There was no doctor or other medical staff going around, handing out assignments like "duck, duck, goose". "Boy, boy, girl, girl..." They didn't decide I was female; they simply peeked at my genitals.
Here's another thought:
I have always thought it to be very much missing the obvious to not consider that if a person claimed they were a race other than what their DNA dictated, such as a white person calling themselves black or Asian, the very same woke advocates would CANCEL that person. White people are NOT black no matter how deeply they feel inside that they should have been born as such, no matter how they change their hair or what surgeries they may get. A surgery to alter your features does NOT make a white person black, does it? You can't have "race reassignment surgery". And, then they start calling others "cis Black" or "cis Asians"??? Why isn't this the same thing? I am truly confounded. I would be very offended and turned off by someone doing that with my race, but I am "transphobic" if I don't like them claiming to be my sex. Again, I don't think it's something they should be mistreated for, but disagreeing is not, itself, mistreatment. Imagine being accused of "phobia" or hatefulness simply because you didn't want to call a white person "black". Assigned White At Birth--good Lord!
@JayQualin I don’t agree with the OG commenter here (anyone raised as a man is inherently misogynistic, people of marginalized groups are of no exception) but I don’t understand why “cis” is offensive. It’s like straight vs gay or neurotypical vs neurodivergent right?
@Sam Most men who pretend to be women are autogynophile and literally fetishise misogyny
Unknown member
Jun 05, 2022
Replying to
@Sam I can't speak for her but I will firmly state that men with autogynephilia who wear porn-inspired woman costumes and demand access to woman/girl-only spaces where there are no other men around to help defend those women and girls, are sexual predators and should in no way, shape, or form be considered "neurodivergent", unless you consider male sexual predation a neurodivergence.
Mentally ill men in woman costumes and their libfem handmaidens don't get to dictate reality to the rest of us, and they certainly don't get to speak for women. On this, you can't change my mind. Words mean things.
I will shout out my queer friends who were assigned male at birth and are either non cis or non heterosexual tend to be much more woke. I think it is because they have suffered from the system as well. But yeah, sadly, I generally have only been not shocked by people when I just am no longer surprised by it, rather than the behavior becoming less frequent or severe in the populations around me.
@Matriartist The name of the website is "The Female Dating Strategy", not the "Female Impersonator Dating Strategy". Take as much time with that as you need.
I'm shocked when men in the 23-32 age bracket:
Don't defend prostitution
Aren't Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson or Elon Musk fans
Don't go on about toxic femininity
Don't have semi naked women on their social media
Aren't capitalists
Defend women that are unrelated to them against men that are also
Don't watch porn
Don't defend porn
Don't think sleeping with a child is cool
So basically, I am shocked when they aren't sexist
Even liberal men are sexist, but they believe in women being public property and having to pay half - like dude why should I commit to you, have your kids in a world where a bad gender gap exists and still pay to live with you?
Nope. I genuinely don’t think it’s possible for anyone raised as a man
Yes....the ones I haven't spoken to 😛
I believe it's important to have compassion for people who are suffering because they believe themselves to be a different sex from what their DNA/chromosomal combo (and genitalia) dictate. It is obviously a VERY hard existence and they should be treated with kindness and respect.
However, I, too, am annoyed by those of them, and their woke advocates, thinking they get to decide what to call ME. What does "cis" even mean, really? It just sounds weird. No, I am not "cis". I am simply female, a woman. I mean, if someone with a penis and testicles gets to call himself "female/she/her", it's bafflingly illogical that I can't call myself that.
And, NO, I was not "assigned" a sex at birth. There was no doctor or other medical staff going around, handing out assignments like "duck, duck, goose". "Boy, boy, girl, girl..." They didn't decide I was female; they simply peeked at my genitals.
Here's another thought:
I have always thought it to be very much missing the obvious to not consider that if a person claimed they were a race other than what their DNA dictated, such as a white person calling themselves black or Asian, the very same woke advocates would CANCEL that person. White people are NOT black no matter how deeply they feel inside that they should have been born as such, no matter how they change their hair or what surgeries they may get. A surgery to alter your features does NOT make a white person black, does it? You can't have "race reassignment surgery". And, then they start calling others "cis Black" or "cis Asians"??? Why isn't this the same thing? I am truly confounded. I would be very offended and turned off by someone doing that with my race, but I am "transphobic" if I don't like them claiming to be my sex. Again, I don't think it's something they should be mistreated for, but disagreeing is not, itself, mistreatment. Imagine being accused of "phobia" or hatefulness simply because you didn't want to call a white person "black". Assigned White At Birth--good Lord!
@JayQualin I don’t agree with the OG commenter here (anyone raised as a man is inherently misogynistic, people of marginalized groups are of no exception) but I don’t understand why “cis” is offensive. It’s like straight vs gay or neurotypical vs neurodivergent right?
I will shout out my queer friends who were assigned male at birth and are either non cis or non heterosexual tend to be much more woke. I think it is because they have suffered from the system as well. But yeah, sadly, I generally have only been not shocked by people when I just am no longer surprised by it, rather than the behavior becoming less frequent or severe in the populations around me.