If you’re on a date? Be sweet, smile at him and coyly “go to the bathroom” or say you didn’t expect to pay, and left your wallet in your vehicle. Go to your vehicle and leave, promptly blocking him on everything at the nearest red light lol
Unknown member
Dec 23, 2024
Replying to
Hahaha love this.
Unknown member
Dec 24, 2024
Just walk out. After you walk out, he has two options: skip the entire bill or pay the entire bill.
I have done this before. In my experience, men don’t even get mad about the money. Yes, they get mad that you walked out, but the money doesn’t really matter to them.
I act confused and say something like, “oh, there must have been a miscommunication, I thought this was a date? But that’s okay, making new friends is fun too.” Usually this shames him into paying. If he tries to debate me on it/brings up 50/50 or “equality” bs, I just tell him that in my world, the one who invites another on a date pays, as that is just common good manners.
Whether he pays for us both or not, he’s blocked as soon as I leave. I don’t debate my standards and he’s shown he isn’t up to mark.
Basically, most men will be ashamed by the idea that they’ve put themselves into the friend zone by not paying for both of us. Obviously, this only works with men who feel shame for not being up to the standards of the woman they want, so it requires some vetting ahead of time (any man who is NOT ashamed of disappointing the woman he desires is a NVM).
If you’re on a date? Be sweet, smile at him and coyly “go to the bathroom” or say you didn’t expect to pay, and left your wallet in your vehicle. Go to your vehicle and leave, promptly blocking him on everything at the nearest red light lol
Just walk out. After you walk out, he has two options: skip the entire bill or pay the entire bill.
I have done this before. In my experience, men don’t even get mad about the money. Yes, they get mad that you walked out, but the money doesn’t really matter to them.
You could tell him: “You invited me here. The one who invites, pays.”
Or you could shame him and say, “If you can’t afford to date, why are you trying?”
Sometimes neither works and you have to just pay your portion and leave. Then report him on your local AWDTSG group, to warn other women.
Men are so useless anyways
I act confused and say something like, “oh, there must have been a miscommunication, I thought this was a date? But that’s okay, making new friends is fun too.” Usually this shames him into paying. If he tries to debate me on it/brings up 50/50 or “equality” bs, I just tell him that in my world, the one who invites another on a date pays, as that is just common good manners.
Whether he pays for us both or not, he’s blocked as soon as I leave. I don’t debate my standards and he’s shown he isn’t up to mark.