I’m so pissed off. I was on TikTok, and then I saw a video on a woman’s rights account of a woman posting screenshots of a Man’s text messages saying “without men who would protect women” with her response being “protect from who?” And then the last slide was “directed by Robert B Weide” (if you’re active on tiktok you’ll understand this trend)
Moids in the comments were saying “directed by who” and then Women in the comments were saying “who created Robert” and the moids in the comments section where saying “the dads nuts” “the father” “people come from sperm, women are sperm carriers” “who shoots the load” “who was eve created by” “eve was created by Adams rib” all this fucking bullshit
Every human being alive was created by a woman. Like all of these males are acting like they didn’t come from a Woman. Women carry these moids for 9 months, go through gestation, child birth, child rearing, ruin their bodies during pregnancy, breastfeed. For these spoilt boys to grow up to be so fucking ungrateful.
They know they are the expendable sex and that having that many men around isn’t a necessity to repopulate. That’s why they want to take credit like it’s comparable, when it’s not at all. They KNOW they have no real purpose and want to take credit for WOMEN creating & birthing human life.
We have sperm banks, why the fuck do they overvalue there worth? They are not valuable to Mother Nature as Women are. That’s why it’s called MOTHER Nature. They are out here trying to compare shooting their load for everything else women have to go through during reproduction. It’s fucking disgusting. I’m just so annoyed by this and had to rant.
Absolutely. Infact women we pass mitochondrial dna and more dna to our children than men do.
Women pass a x to both a boy or female child while men only pass a y onto a boy or x to a girl. Men are literally part female but women we aren't part male.
Hence men have nipples. They literally came after us, because we created them. Hence we only have xx chromosome two female xx's but they have x and y so half female and half male.
Men also waste their "seed" constantly. In a sock, toilet, tissue papers. Do women waste our eggs? Infact born with all our eggs.
Our eggs were created in and carried by our mothers. So all of us were once in our grandmothers.
Men are not life givers.
Sperm us also cheap and easy to get while eggs and surrogacy are very expensive and difficult to get
Men are sent to war because it's understood women are needed to create and birth society and keep it going
Women caregive , men dont
Men pay for sex while women can get sex anytime by some men even if those men may be ugly and undesirable
This is why men in any group or ethnicity are "allowed" to date out while the women are shamed. They know women carry any group forward and create humans.
Men are threatened by women's natural powers to create life without much male involvement and they resent that. They resent that women are more valuable and harder to replace by nature.