I have decided to request a transfer and make a report. Finally, I know of witnesses to scrote boss's behavior who disagree with it, but I know I'm making a risky choice. My previous (wonderful, supportive) boss left the company and I was transferred to be supervised by this boss in the summer.
It has gotten progressively worse since then. I am his only direct report and have been slowly isolated, disparaged, cut-down, and most recently humiliated in front of external groups. Name-calling women and denigrating their looks - women in the group we directly support - is a regular pastime of his and is taking a toll.
I spent every day last week crying and unable to sleep. I witnessed the aftermath of *something* that occurred to a woman consultant who was isolated by him. I was supposed to be involved but was cut out, and her demeanor in our last call, that I was somehow on, was strange. My gut is screaming at me, though logically I'd rather just ignore it. I cannot. Then everything bubbled to the surface.
Seeking advice please. The emotions are settling but very slowly, and this is when my usual strong and logical demeanor is nowhere to be found. Venting and support is great, too.
I had a boss in NYC, an Executive VP, who used to say awful things about women and everyone else. He was very rude to the guys I worked with, too, knowing they were from India and the Philippines. He even said he didn't like hiring white Americans like me because we weren't "grateful enough" to have a job. He was mean to everyone, but after 3 months, the gloves came off towards me. He'd say things like, "OMG, the owner is gonna cum/sh1t on my face!" He'd ask me, "What's the best way to hang yourself?" He'd ask repeatedly this question. He was 60 years old and dating a 20 year old Filipina girl. He'd be flying to her country and leaving all his work behind for me to do. Finally, he asked me 3x during one week what was the best way to hang yourself, he screamed at me threatening to fire me over nothing, and he called me into his office and was showing me pictures of people hanging from nooses on his big computer screen and making comments about whether this one or that one was real or not. I called my recruiter and told her to get me the F outta there! I interviewed at a new joint, and got the hell outta there. I told HR on my way out what he'd done, but he's STILL there. The proof of what he was doing is still on the server if they wanted to find it, but of course, they did nothing to him. The next 2 people who filled my job both quit after 2 weeks, and the girl filed a lawsuit. You either file a lawsuit against these types, or you find a new job ASAP. The company HR exists to protect the company, not you.
Report it all to HR and start looking for a new job; the well is poisoned. It sucks that you have to be the one to leave, but, there will be better opportunities ahead. It’s hard to get excited for the future when you want justice. Sometimes it doesn’t come in time for you to see it; just trust he will get his ..(and your report could help future employees) As for you, the horizon is wide open. There are soooo many job openings right now. This is the perfect time to be job hunting! Go kick some doors in, Queen!! …If I had another job lined up, I would wait for the opportunity to reply to one of his inappropriate remarks , “oooohhh! What time’s the court case!?” Give him a nice zing on the way out!
Check your employer's code of practice on the prevention and resolution of bullying in the workplace and keep copies of your report details and various evidence, with direct quotes from the code. You've probably already tried to resolve the issues initially with a union representative or manager or supervisor. If your problem has not been dealt with properly, make a complaint under employment equality or health and safety legislation to the Workplace Relations Commission or equivalent in your country.
If the bullying at work is so great that it causes your physical or psychological health to suffer or be affected, you may also be entitled to bring a claim for compensation for personal injury. You cannot look for compensation from your employer under the health and safety legislation but you can make a personal injury claim through the Personal Injuries Assessment Board
Is the treatment bordering on bullying or harassment? Make sure to detail this in your report and provide evidence if you can. To be honest, well done to stay this long, I would have quit sooner. It's frustrating women have to be the ones to change.