Hi ladies, I’ve been lucky enough to get a job after being long term unemployed. I’ve always struggled to get any work due to disability and generally not knowing anyone in order to get roles.
Now I’ve started work but I am struggling with anxiety and depression from feeling the pressure. There’s a high workload, and like every place ever, they’re understaffed and the training is mediocre. There was pressure to rush through the mandatory training and no guidance on emotional support. I already had a meltdown this week (it lasted an hour) while there, and the manager denied my request to see HR. I think mentioning HR set off alarms bells in his head and I think he’s more worried about them perceiving his managerial skills as poor rather than worrying about the bigger picture. This also makes me distrust him and want to go directly to them.
I want to see them because I fear that all my good work ethic will be wasted, as I’ll end up quitting from emotional distress. I have an inability to deal with travelling to and from, having a rigid manager who doesn’t even like you taking a minute to talk to your coworkers (part the reason I wanted to work was to have a little social time) and suddenly that after being promised a 9:30 start, it’s now an hour earlier, it’s all triggering my autism. Sudden changes to what was promised + the fact that I feel watched and pressured.
1) do you feel like coworkers or bosses are more bothered about being thrown under the bus than seeing if you can manage?
2) I’m going to apply to the access to work scheme (U.K.) but what else can I do to get the help I need?
3) will HR help or stab me in the back? I asked another coworker about HR and their response was “why do you want to see them?”
HR only protects the business. Submit your concerns in writing and keep records of what is said in meetings, who was there and dates. I would look for another job, who needs that stress in their lives? Just keep your head down, do the work and look for something else.