I find korean women to be agreeable, respectful and responsible (as daughters, partners). (This is just me mentioning things that would matter to men)
So, when a country like Korea experiences dangerously low birth rates, the evolutionary reason behind that could only be...most Korean men are LVM.
Yes, no doubt korean women must be very picky but that is just called having high standards. With the high ed rates and plastic surgery rates, most Korean women are picky and brutal towards themselves. They are also very groomed and well dressed, they don't seem like they would go to the convenience store with a messy bun. They just want to make sure it will all be worth it.
"A lot of Korean men expect their wives to make these sacrifices. It's a patriarchal society. The women do almost everything in the home, raising kids, and if needed, work too. So of course when faced with these options, why would a woman want to choose that life? It's like a life of servitude."
"South Korean men believe husbands and wives should share housework fairly, but tend to actually leave most of it to their wives, recent numbers show. The men were also found to have the fewest hours spent on household duties of any country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)."
No wonder things are the way they are Korea. Many korean women are terrified that their company will fire them if they think they might be pregnant as well.
Beneath this particular video:

Through this whole long comment, I didn't think she was a pick-me until I saw her criticizing men for choosing "beautiful women" instead of easy to live with women like her 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then once again to make sure men got her message, she repeated her giant comment.

I feel sorry for her in a way. She's telling men not to go for the women they really want because she is not going to lower her standards for them and to instead be with plain janes who expect 50/50.
Little does she know if an insecure, hot woman who's much younger than her comes along, and has much lower standards, then her men will be with that woman in a heartbeat (especially if they don't have kids). Then she will finally understand why women with high standards are so ruthless.
And boom there it is!
Luarusi sees Korean women through the eyes of her husband. She should thank her lucky stars that Korean women rejected him in the first place and she got to be "kept" lol.
She has so much smoke for Korean women... like girl everything you listed was the bare minimum.
Luarusi acts like these girls want a castle, gourmet meals, and La Perla.
And even If they did what about it Luarsi?
Korean men are special brand of deranged incels. Look up what "molka" is. You as a woman can't even visit a public restroom safely in that country. Or stay at an airbnb without thouroughly checking everything for hidden cams.
If the female celebrity is even suspected of supporting womens' rights, men will collectively throw a temper tantrum. Korean athlete An San was violently harassed by korean males because she has short hair(!) and that makes her a feminist(!!) according to them. Same happened to singer Irene from Red Velvet, because she had a "feminist book". ("Kim Ji-young, Born 1982")
Their laws against gender violence are a joke.
They demonize single mothers, which...The logic is not logicking. You want higher birthrates, but won't protect mothers?
If you're a white girl those men will fetishize you and try to have sex with you just to brag to their scrotty friends later. I think it's called "riding the white horse" or something like that.
Their current president won the election because he's also an incel. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zt2flch7Z6kJ:https://time.com/6156537/south-korea-president-yoon-suk-yeol-sexism/+&cd=5&hl=ru&ct=clnk&gl=us
There's a lot more I can say about it, but I'm too lazy to type it out.
I think with the rise of kpop, a lot of young women think Korea is some dreamy country filled with good looking people, when in reality a lot of residents hate it and call it Hell Joseon. I sympathize with my korean sisters who choose to not bother with violent delusional antifeminist scrotes.
I know my ethnically Korean male friend from Canada was dating in South Korea and shocked upon being questioned what his job and salary was at the start of dates with Korean women. It is no joke. This was also one of the plot points of the movie Parasite, marrying for money and status rather than love.
Umm, I wanted to be put this in scrotation report, but I put it in "male depravity—trigger warning" by mistake. I can't change my flair. So, I hope the mods are listening. Any, I just wanted to learn more about this topic even from fds-ers who visited korea or east asia. Correct me if I'm wrong abiut anything. I also want to ask that we find a way to bring Paul Dolan on the podcast. He's Lundy Bancroft level. Everytime you see someone say, "Married men live longer than single men, meanwhile single women live longer than married women"
"Single, childless women are the happiest demographic"
Whether on fds.com or any other comment section, they are quoting his research and findings
Also he seems like such a rebal when I read what says in interviews.
https://www.psychologytoday.com › ...
Why Many Single Women Without Children Are So Happy
Arg happiness expert Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, women who are single with no children are the happiest.[i] Dolan explains says that while men derive benefits from marriage, the same cannot generally be said for women.
I don't understand what she thinks the problem is with women who wants a husband to provide? Should all women just settle for guys who does squat and raise their children in squalor? It's honestly so unrealistic