This is one report of many I made to plenty of fish for men's profiles seeking sex only.
And my reply is below also.
Dating sites are literally doing nothing, just raking in money. They can throttle or ban an account at their whim. They can change the algorithm and have us playing and paying endlessly.
Can we women all either fully delete or wipe to empty all dating accounts of info and photos for one week globally or at least in Europe? Let's pick the dates between the 7th and 13th Nov 2022 next week.
Let's just see how dating sites respond and if it catapult's them into actively giving women protection online rather than just a block button and hope for the best. We know men will not do better without consequences so let's do it.
It's one week! Not a lifetime. I'm sure that cute guy will wait if he's half decent.
We literally have nothing to lose.
I've deleted mine. I literally could not last two days on OLD this time. I don't see myself ever returning. Men are getting worse.

The sites own rules say hypocritical:
Don't be rude. Don't bully, intimidate, defame, harass or stalk other members. We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse. Reports of harassment, intimidation and assault are taken very seriously.
If someone blocks you, do not attempt to circumvent the block feature or try to communicate with them. Just stop.
Violence and physical harm
You should never threaten to harm anyone through your words or physical actions. Inciting any form of physical or mental harm will not be tolerated. Inclusive of this, any content depicting violence, graphic or gory content is not allowed and will result in your account being moderated and may lead to your account being permanently banned.
Discriminatory behaviour and hate speech
You should be respectful in every interaction with other members. There is no place in our community for hate speech, racism, or bigotry towards any individual or group, and will result in your account being permanently banned.
Be kind on your own profile
Your profile should not contain content that is violent, abusive, rude, or defamatory. If you're looking for some tips on how to craft a great dating profile that reflects who you really are, you can find themhere.
Be kind in the messages you send
Your messages to other members should always be kind. If your message is reported by another member, the offense will be investigated. Serious offenses will result in your account being banned.
Profile images
There are ground rules that everyone needs to follow when it comes to the types of images we allow on our platform.
Images that have the following content will end up having your account be permanently banned:
Nudity or sexually explicit imagery
Shows of violence, violent gestures, or gruesome imagery
Depictions of criminal activity or drug use
Racist or hate imagery
Images that have the following aren't allowed and will end up having your account be moderated:
Shirtless photos out of context (shirtless on a beach is okay, but not in your bathroom)
Bikinis or swimwear out of context (outside is okay, but not inside)
Lingerie or underwear
Shirtless/underwear mirror selfies
We have a zero tolerance policy to have minors featured in photos. Please don't post photos with minors because we will remove them.
With that in mind, you can attach any image you like, so long as it doesn't contain:
Nudity or sexually explicit imagery
Shows of violence, violent gestures, or gruesome imagery
Depictions of criminal activity or drug use
Racist or hate imagery
Don't send a message that includes unwelcome sexual propositions or sexually explicit content.If you are married, or part of a couple looking for someone to join you, POF isn't the place for you.
Prostitution, escorting, solicitation and trafficking
Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or non-consensual sexual acts on Plenty of Fish is not tolerated and will result in your account being permanently banned.
Private information
You should never solicit another member for their private information, example home or work address.
We may remove images if your face is not clear or overly obscured.
Group shots:
Images that contain multiple people are confusing to other members as they cannot tell who you are. For that reason, we may remove them.
We ask all members to represent themselves truthfully through the use of clear unedited images. For this reason, images that are heavily edited or use filters (e.g. Snapchat) will be removed.
Memes, cartoons, and text:
Memes certainly have a time and a place, but it's not here. Images that contain overlaid text or watermarks are not allowed either and will be removed.
Be real in the messages you send
Be mindful in your first messages to someone. In real life you wouldn't introduce yourself with your phone number, email address, Instagram handle, Snapchat or kik, so don't do that here either.
Plenty of Fish also reserves the right to terminate accounts, without refund, if these Community Guidelines were abused or our service was misused in any way."
I don’t know if this helps but bumble just launched some great machine learning software that is open source to do something about unsolicited dick pics which is great. As a women at a FAANG that has introduced age restrictions in social media, I’ll be lobbying for us to use this wonderful exemplar across other tech formats. Imagine if Apple or Google introduced this into their text messaging services or Facebook in WhatsApp and even SnapInc introducing this for minor accounts. Women coming together and influencing tech is a thing!!!
What if women made a collective dating organization where the only way men could get recommendations towards our friends and family is if they’re heavily vetted by us? Just throwing out a random idea.
Hell, I'll take part. I noticed recently I can't bring myself to like/match a guy even if he's checking all my boxes. There's too much fuckery going on (even with the 'nicer' apps) to even consider matching. We're not here to window shop!
I think you may be better off deleting your account on PoF than getting them to take any action of substance or gathering enough women to boycott to make a dent.
PoF is a garbage site, moreso than most. I was banned before I even sent a message! So many angry scrotes on there, ready to report a woman for "fake photos" for the crime of not responding to their low-effort messages. That place is run by woman-hating incels and losers, and the male clientele is pretty much the same. They love to ban women, but rarely band the creepy men. It's basically a circle-jerk for society's leftover loser men. Stay far away.