Is it just me or is dating 10000 times worse than it was 12-24 months ago? ...
When I say dating I mean OLD. I'm finding men are too lazy to even message hello or hold a conversation. No point in vetting if they don't even talk 🤣
(Since the pandemic and working from home it's made it difficult to meet men in person. )
I think it’s a weird mix of a few things:
Men have somehow deluded themselves into thinking THEY are the prize. So they sit back, wanting to be chased by women. It’s embarrassing lol. But equally as embarrassing is the fact that plenty of women buy into this and do the chasing!
Men are scared of rejection. By putting in the least bit of effort possible, they soften the blow to their egos. They don’t have to feel like they “put themselves out there” or ”invested” a lot, only to be constantly rejected.
Men just want sex. They think signing up for a dating app is an auto opt-in for women to have sex with them. So they think they can get it for free, with no effort, by just existing on the app.
I think the pandemic moved most people online who weren’t normally online and now that it’s relatively over all the normal, socially aware, and HVM are off dating apps and going back to meeting people in real life like they used to. OLD this year has been full of nasty creeps and so I’ve stopped getting on it. The podcast ep made me want to try it again, but that was a mistake imo. I regretted it instantly lol. OLD is usually for the weirdo homebody men who never do anything and want bang maids with the click of their finger. It’s reverted back to that which is why all the ugly, low effort scrotes are back to flooding the OLD market. There might be a few HV stragglers, but I doubt it’s worth all the swiping through trash to find em. I’d say you have better chances meeting someone HV in real life through friends or hobbies or the like. I’d focus on going where you’d want your potential date to be on Saturday nights and beefing up your flirting game. :) Good luck!
This is a “Don’t be like me Story“
i redownloaded tinder in may ( I first signed up at the end of 2018) and deleted it in august. i got myself a report of how much swipping I did.. here are the numbers. I was on the app for a total of 110 days (between may and August not since 2018). I swiped on an average of 700(!) people in one day, so almost 60000 swipes, I swiped right on a total of 598 guys, 171 matches, 126 chats and now drum roll: I met 3 guys and obviously it didn’t go anywhere.
i must have seen close to a million people in the 4 yrs I’ve been on and off on tinder ( I used other apps as well but they didn’t even end in a date) and in those 4 years I haven’t had a single relationship. I’m not ugly either just very very picky. OLD is shit, but I’m still thinking of redownloading the app sooner or later because there is no way I’ll meet a man IRL where I live (small city in Germany).
I’d tell everyone else to get or stay off it though if there is any way you know you can meet eligible men in real life.
Yea, men prefer the online part of online dating - they refuse to meet women irl and want to keep everything digital
Omg it’s not just me. I genuinely think the pandemic has made OLD become a pastime for many men (and women?) who use the apps without the intention of ever moving towards a real life meet. I do not understand it but that has been my experience, too. Plus men who are happy to have a texting/messaging r’ship only. TF with that.
I have given up on OLD after 10 years of unsuccessful results.