In the NYT today, they have an article about missing Russian men...either conscripted or, mostly the young, fled. Leaving behind all the women like the male cowards in Syria and Afghanistan. Russian men who supported the war in Ukraine right up until the moment it affected them.
Men love to point out that women aren't drafted and refuse to acknowledge the reality of the damage done to women in war.
They run to protect themselves and leave behind their mothers, wives, and children but keep their entitlement for sex.
When dating a foreign man whose home country is at war...don't. He left behind who knows how many women and could have children already.
Foreign men bring their audacity, entitlement, need for green cards, and their deep misogyny to their new country and into your life.
Vet foreign men hard. Remember, if you marry one, you are on the financial hook (even if you divorce him) for 10 years. The US will send you the bill if he gets any type of housing, food, medical assistance.
Do you want to get up everyday, work your fingers to the bone to provide for a ""man"" who left his girlfriend, or wife, or sisters, and/or mother to save his own hide? You think he will stick by you if you get sick? You think he won't cheat the second you work too many hours and can't keep up the house they way he remembers his mother did while not lifting a finger to help?
When people show you who they are believe them.
Think about the Iranian rock climber who competed without a head covering in Korea, was called back to her Embassy, flown back to Iran and is now missing...all for her husband who is still in Iran. You think for a second he would have done the same?

Important post, not just regarding men who fled a draft but regarding ALL foreign men. This is a common, conscious scam, especially in Africa and the Middle East and among male refugees from these countries. They target women from western countries - especially middle aged or older women because they are more vulnerable and tend to have more funds - who are on a holiday there, play their "true love" and then exploit them for sex, money and visas. Many of these men have wifes and children in their home country who they pass of as sisters. An especially sick new twist is spreading here: Impregnating a woman you have a one night stand with or a girlfriend on purpose and then convincing her to have the baby because the biological parent (the refugee) of a minor citizen (the baby) cannot be deported even if he is not married to the other parent.
There is even a word for it: "Bezness". This website has a lot of women telling their stories (it's in German, but you can use google translate or deepl to read it): ("Wahre Geschichten" on the left side has lots of stories told by women who were abused this way. It's always the same pattern.).
I used to work with a woman whose husband and her took a young (late 20s) male Afghani refugee under their wing. I innocently asked whether he left any family behind in Afghanistan, to which she said “oh, he’s by himself. He didn’t arrive with anyone.” I kept my tone light, and said “huh. That’s very sad. I wonder if he has a family back home that he had to leave behind?” She said they he never mentioned having any relatives back home. So i casually said “well, most men from his culture would be married by now. He probably just has no way of bringing them over with him, so he’s decided to start over.” and continued sipping my coffee. She changed the subject, but i could tell she was unsettled by what I was implying.
Geez, that's good advice. I wouldn't have even thought of that.