Didn't know whether to post this in scrote nonsense or here, but I am feeling super ranty so here goes!
I got into an uber this afternoon.
There was pretty piano music playing and I commented on my appreciation on it (it was super relaxing and my day was slammed).
I was in the back seat. There was a plastic screen between the back and front, for covid reasons i assume), and stuck to this plastic screen were some religious texts paraphinalia. I didn't pay much attention.
i thought, Ok this guy loves god. cool. fine.
What happened next was just. omg.
One of the first thing this guy asks me is "Are you divorced"? I'm like, huh what? I said something like ' not sure how you think that is the appropriate kind of question to be asking?" he got really offended.
and the entire fucking ride of course eventually devolved in him trying to shove jesus down my throat, talking to me as if he knew me and all my 'problems'. FFS. I'm all for people having their own religion/faith but fuck this guy was gross. He talked down to me like a stupid little girl. In response to the divorce question I said to him, "how about breakfast? that's probably the appropriate level of conversation here". you can ask me what i had for breakfast, i said. i was kind of laughing through all this because i was like wtf? but i was pretty clear with him. then we spoke about food and he went on to talk about his wife who cooks for him and ladies, there was just SOMETHING about this guy it felt so , so , so wrong.
There's nothing wrong with a woman cooking for her man, but omg this just felt SOO off!
Anyway I still feel so gross from the interaction and I feel like he could be trying recruiting people for his/a cult in that car!?
It all felt extremely cultish. Extremely. Yuck.
He gave me literature ( he passed it through the centre, and I didn't take it but he kept pushing), to take with me and kept telling me to read it. I left that thing on the fucking seat, asshole.
My religion is MY business and ew ew ew.
All this in a f*ing uber ride!?
end of rant
No tip for you, crappy Uber driver! 😠
Ugh... I sometimes wish there was something like a ban/block function for annoying drivers and if enough passengers block them they automatically get removed from the app.
If I am taking a taxi/Uber I want to be driven from point A to point B with the least possible hassle and nothing else. I don't want to make conversation that exceeds "hello" and "goodbye". I don't want comments on anything I wear or do or my destination. I don't want to hear your life story or how your day was or about shitty other passengers. To be perfectly honest: i don't even want to hear your music, but I'll accept it because driving people around all day must be boring, as long as you aren't playing it too loud or it's something offensive.
you should report him to Uber although Uber sucks so idk if they’d do anything about him. But shoving religion down ppls throat is something worth reporting
I absolutely loathe male drivers. One time I had to take a Lyft somewhere and the man essentially scolded me the entire ride for not knowing enough Spanish. It's like they immediately think of you as their property to mold to their liking. 🤢
Give him 1 ⭐️
You should report him to Uber. That’s not ok.
My friend took an uber to my house. Normally, it shouldn't take more than 30 from her house to mine. This time she was running late because the driver missed an exit and took a wrong turn. She kept telling him that he made a wrong turn. She also mentioned that the whole car reeked of pot. Over an hour later she arrived and when i went downstairs to get her, I saw the car drive past my house. She had to tell the driver to stop because he passed my house but he was going to make another turn! She reported him to uber.
Report him!
Leave a negative review! And call headquarters!
I hope you gave him a low rating and blocked him
Hopefully you gave this dude a very “nice” rating 😡