While I appreciate the examples to illustrate the issue, I think the focus of the discussion should be that "I don't want to be pregnant anymore" is a valid reason for terminating a pregnancy and all that should be needed.
This is not about "good" or "bad" reasons for abortions. The reason is completely irrelevant. If we start talking "valid reasons" we are on the road to other people pushing their ideas of morals on women who don't want anything to do with them again.
This is about women making decisions about their own bodies and lifes. The only morals and beliefs that should matter here are the pregnant woman's. It's about the option to end a medical condition that will be forever life-altering, or even life-threatening for us.
Yes, I figured the examples were to paint a realistic picture for some - but I wouldn’t have posted this if she had not made that point clear at the end. “You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is:I'm pro-life. Their lives. Women's lives. You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories that you do agree with and the CHOICE that was made. Women’s rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!”
I get that and the intention of the post. I just fear that if we make it about examples and individual cases too much we might end up with an "illegal except in cases of rape or danger to the pregnant woman's life" solution and a pregnant woman now has to convince a committee of strangers that she was really raped to be allowed to abort and we all know how that will go...
This is not about motives and reasons. It's about the basic right to bodily autonomy.
A corpse has more rights than a pregnant woman. If I have decided I am not an organ donor -no matter what my reasons for that are-, my corpse won't be touched, even if my organs could save lifes and are useless to me now. But as long as I'm alive I can be forced to be an incubator, impacting my health and potentially even endangering my life, against my will now. That's the issue. Motives and reasons for abortions don't even play into it.
I get the point you’re making and agreed with it. I think all women deserve reproductive justice and it shouldn’t just be under specific circumstances. I don’t personally make it mostly about examples. This doctor described a lot of real women stories though that I felt many of us could relate to. Of course I think at the end of the day, any reason a woman has for wanting or needing one would be valid. Abortion rights are human rights and about our bodily autonomy first and foremost, but I just think it helped some women feel heard when they see things they can relate to.
Unknown member
Jun 26, 2022
The sad thing is- they're not even doing the "It's okay if it's rape or incest" because girls have been raped by their fathers and told tough luck by the pedophile judges who most likely get off on the fact they just further helped in ruining a little girls life.
Ugh, miss me with this garbage. Women get equal access to equitable healthcare and privacy without qualifiers. This list of, what, palatable exceptions just proves the OOP is anti-abortion / anti-woman. Avoid, B&D.
I feel like she was listing examples of why some women get abortions, but she also said at the end women deserve reproductive rights no matter what circumstances so my intent in sharing wasn’t about saying women should only have rights for these reasons. I think all women should have the right to an abortion.
While I appreciate the examples to illustrate the issue, I think the focus of the discussion should be that "I don't want to be pregnant anymore" is a valid reason for terminating a pregnancy and all that should be needed.
This is not about "good" or "bad" reasons for abortions. The reason is completely irrelevant. If we start talking "valid reasons" we are on the road to other people pushing their ideas of morals on women who don't want anything to do with them again.
This is about women making decisions about their own bodies and lifes. The only morals and beliefs that should matter here are the pregnant woman's. It's about the option to end a medical condition that will be forever life-altering, or even life-threatening for us.
The sad thing is- they're not even doing the "It's okay if it's rape or incest" because girls have been raped by their fathers and told tough luck by the pedophile judges who most likely get off on the fact they just further helped in ruining a little girls life.
Ugh, miss me with this garbage. Women get equal access to equitable healthcare and privacy without qualifiers. This list of, what, palatable exceptions just proves the OOP is anti-abortion / anti-woman. Avoid, B&D.