They hate Amber and want her to get fewer tips even if customers sided with her over Johnny
Unknown member
May 12, 2022
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People who have no idea what they’re talking about buy his BS story.
May 10, 2022
Why are people treating a domestic violence trial like it’s an exciting netflix show ? Adding into that it’s truly so easy to make people dislike a women huh? Nothing comes easier to men and even a lot of women than to make a women out as a villain. Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always
Ha Ha ha ha. So funny guys! Can't you see! Ha ha ha ha.🤡 It's a pure reflection on how women should are paid , of course! They don't need the big box but a small one to reflect their ladybrain and the fact that they're so annoying.UwuI'm obviously sarcastic. This court drama that btw, Johnny the abuser Depp initiated is a reflection on our society. Men just love to hate on women. They do think of us as 2nd class citizens. They do think we shouldn't have rights to be in the same workplace earning the same paycheck for the same quality and quantity of work.They do think we should be sex slaves and cleaners and cooks for men. Oh yeah. It's a good thing I learned to make my own coffee ☕🤣
Celeb vs. Celeb...DGAF and not sorry. Got my life and the shitstorm in everyday ordinary life to deal with.
Unknown member
May 10, 2022
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If only it was just "celeb vs celeb". What's happening to Amber could very easily happen to any woman who goes up against a man in court. Women are abused in court all the time at the hands of men. Sexual abuse victims get violated all over again in court, which is happening to Amber for all to see, So it isn't just about idle gossip. This is a real thing happening to a woman that is indicative of the way society still sees and abuses ALL women, and not something to be taken lightly. Even Amber's fame and money aren't protecting her against this onslaught, so what hope does the average woman have were she to find herself in the same circumstance? All women should be disgusted by what is happening to this woman, and why, even in the midst of trying to navigate our own lives..
Wow, really Starbucks? Mocking an sexual abuse victim? Not a good look. I hope someone tweets this at them.
This is so not the moment marketing genius move they think it is. This is pretty unnecessary and even arguably vile.
I don’t understand this photo? Why is amber heard’s both smaller and had less in it? Johnny Depp was found guilty in the UK and lost his case
Why are people treating a domestic violence trial like it’s an exciting netflix show ? Adding into that it’s truly so easy to make people dislike a women huh? Nothing comes easier to men and even a lot of women than to make a women out as a villain. Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always
Ha Ha ha ha. So funny guys! Can't you see! Ha ha ha ha. 🤡 It's a pure reflection on how women should are paid , of course! They don't need the big box but a small one to reflect their ladybrain and the fact that they're so annoying. Uwu I'm obviously sarcastic. This court drama that btw, Johnny the abuser Depp initiated is a reflection on our society. Men just love to hate on women. They do think of us as 2nd class citizens. They do think we shouldn't have rights to be in the same workplace earning the same paycheck for the same quality and quantity of work. They do think we should be sex slaves and cleaners and cooks for men. Oh yeah. It's a good thing I learned to make my own coffee ☕🤣
The way people are taking this so lightly is disgusting
i would 100% have taken all the money out of his, put it in hers and turned his upside down.
This reminds me of the trash bins with Cristiano Ronaldo vs Lionel Messi on who's the better player. They did it to prevent littering.
But this is sooooo much worse. Sigh.
Celeb vs. Celeb...DGAF and not sorry. Got my life and the shitstorm in everyday ordinary life to deal with.