The above article is fascinating, and I was especially intrigued by the following:
"...just owning a firearm makes an abuser five times more likely to take a partner’s life."
The research it links to states: "For example, the 8-fold increase in intimate partner femicide risk associated with abusers’ access to firearms attenuated to a 5-fold increase when characteristics of the abuse were considered, including previous threats with a weapon on the part of the abuser. This suggests that abusers who possess guns tend to inflict the most severe abuse."
[Interesting that the article doesn't explicitly clarify whether or not the study was controlled for the gender of the abuser, although it is mentioned that "Intimate partner homicide accounts for approximately 40% to 50% of US femicides but a relatively small proportion of male homicides (5.9%).]
While I am personally pro-Second Amendment, it's apparent that males cannot be fully trusted with guns. According to this, 121/126 of the mass shootings committed in the US from 1982 to February 2022 were committed by males. That's 96%. And 83% of guns used in those shootings were legally obtained. Men who want to own guns should be subject to extensive background checks prior to purchasing a gun and consistent monitoring whilst owning one. This monitoring can range from yearly mental health checkups, hormonal tests, monitoring of internet activity, etc. The extent of monitoring should depend on their individual backgrounds, prior felonies or domestic violence charges, etc.
If women committed gun violence at the same rates as men, I'd suggest they undergo the same background checks and monitoring as the men. However, the data clearly points to that not being the case. Consequently, it would be a waste of resources to carry out such extensive checks and monitoring for gun-owning women. To wrap this up, "Femicide [...] is the leading cause of death in the United States among young African American women aged 15 to 45 years and the seventh leading cause of premature death among women overall. American women are killed by intimate partners (husbands, lovers, ex-husbands, or ex-lovers) more often than by any other type of perpetrator." (source) Stay safe out there! Following the handbook helps us leave at the first sign of abuse. If you live in a country/region that allows for gun ownership, be aware of his access to and attitude around guns.
Also, I LOATHE when gun rights nuts love to Willy nilly advise women to “just get a gun and you won’t get assaulted or raped”… as if most rapists approached their victims upfront telling them “Imma rape you”. NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!! Most rapists are someone the victim knows (romantic partner, usually) and a gun usually won’t do much in most circumstances (not even for those who keep them by their bed).
"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." I also liken it to buying $100,000 sports car and promising to never break the speed limit. Its like... really? Why buy a thing if you are never going to use it for what it was meant to be used for? I dont buy the "just to look at it" justification. So I wonder if people who love guns actually take the time to use the gun range or is it a case that they really want to use it, dont have time for it, so look for any excuse to whip it out on the flimiest excuses.
Men with guns do such much damage! I am still terrified about an experience I had last year! 🌿Trigger Warning🌿 Last year around November I was asleep in my room when I woke up to the sound of my sister screaming at me. She was yelling, "____, get up! You have to get up! Now!" I was trying to get up but I couldn't she eventually pulled me up and said, "____, they shot him! They shot someone outside...we all thought it was fireworks. They shot him multiple times! We can see his body from the kitchen window... I think he's dead!" I was still in a haze....and I went to the kitchen...I looked out the window and I saw a guy shot in the middle of the street (near my bedroom). No one went out there to check on him (targeted drive-by) everyone in the neighborhood was terrified someone would come after them next. Eventually, a neighbor from a nearby apartment ran toward him she took her sweater off and tried to block his neck from bleeding but it just wouldn't stop. He gave her his name before he passed. The loud wails coming out of her are all I remember. He laid there for at least 5-10 minutes before the ambulance came. I saw them put him in a body bag like he was nothing. I saw him die. I'm scarred for life. I still cry about it. I remember letting out a heavy sob realizing that I could have been shot as well since he was dead near my room. What a horrible way to die. I can not imagine.
Female mass shooters are so rare they can't even be profiled by professionals. However we all know the typical profiles of male mass shooters. I like your gun ownership rules for men but I don't think it'll ever happen bc a lot of mentally unstable men make the laws.
The political podcast talked about this and I agree that most men are not capable of gun ownership. The number of out of control angry men I see regularly confirms this for me
I agree with what Lilith said in the podcast: I'm not a fan of guns but women with guns are probably fine... it's men who don't need them as a whole. My best friend's husband bought her one and she feels safe with it. But her husband is a LVM and practically an MRA in all but name who had wanted at least one gun for awhile before he actually got one. I worry sometimes. I don't mean to be a fearmonger and suggest he would do anything terrible but I inherently don't trust men who get excited about guns. If you want to protect your family, actually be there for them. Teach them how to set boundaries and be as self sufficient as they can. Stand up for them. They'll need that more than they'll need you to shoot an imaginary burglar.
Criminals are not following the law. What a surprise!