Rule 9. of this sub that I lurk says no talking about minors. indicating this young woman was raped as a child. I am deeply concerned for her. She doesn’t want to try this at all and her boyfriend keeps asking her at random. She feels a need to “accommodate him”. I’m scared for her and women who are with men who have this want. This man is not worth it at all. He even knows that it’s wrong. Sunken cost fallacy…
Who knows? He may have raped his exes.

Ew. Why should anyone be 'accommodating' to this scrote's sick fantasy? He needs serious help, preferably in the form of castration. She needs to leave him, get therapy and re-evaluate her life and standards. And the fact that this sub is quarantined says everything else I could possibly know.
The fact that this sub us quarantined🤣 Not even White supremacist killer subs were quarantined. Lol what did it take for Reddit to punish a sub that makes men's peepees hard?
Girl, you were raped before and now you're still dating a known rapist???? I just don't get it.
He needs to fuck off and leave her alone FOREVER