So, I have come to the conclusions that my dads narcissism has affected my personality more than I thought. There are manyyy examples but one thing that struck me was that often times when I see older men on TV I see them like my dad. Like if I were part of the story I would be wanting their approval, comfort, advice, etc.
The trauma caused by this world didnt help with this issue either. I am still trying to processes that there are parents out there, especially fathers, who love their daughters with all their heart. That dont see them from this distorted misogynistic view but genuinely as daughters they respect (I also hate the "if you touch my daughter I will kill you" bullshit where she is still in this little bubble, only as his property and seen as an object of desire for other men).
I have been binging the show Criminal Minds and its very heavy with many of the fictional victims in the stories being women. I found it so (oddly) comforting to see caring fathers in a couple of episodes and it got me curious if there is more media that shows some great dads. I have been going through a rough time the past couple years (it also involves my dad) and I hadnt had time to reflect more on myself and how I was impacted. I just dont have the space for it in my head right now, so it would be awesome to see examples of how fathers are supposed to be so I can build an image around that.
Obviously I need some professional help aswell but since I dont have access to that right now; I felt like this could help. Share with me movies, shows, books, whatever that has some great dads in it.
Even if you don’t have kids, watching Bluey may heal your soul. They actually had to add a few episodes of the dad having flaws because real dad’s complained so much about how perfect he was and that their kids were judging them after watching the show. It’s also really, really good.
If you are into sitcoms Brooklyn 99 has excellent father figures. Terry, Charles and Jake are all wonderful and caring fathers to their children and Captain Holt also becomes a true father figure to the main cast.
If you like video games, a Resident Evil game actually made me cry specifically the 8th game and its DLC Shadows of Rose lol.
the dad Ethan goes through hell, fights all these monstrous beings, gets mutilated, beaten etc. again and again for the sake of saving his wife and his daughter.
Oh please watch Schitts Creek! Great dad and husband and a general stand up guy
Old shows, I recommend Full House and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I watch a lot of anime and for anime with strong father figures, I recommend SpyxFamily and Sweetness & Lightning.