I hate when I have to ask a simple question, and my brothers, or my dad, or even men who I barely know, say something sarcastic. I want to get straight to the point. I don't have a time for your sarcastic remarks!
My mother evades questions like this ... like woman are you so desperate for conversation that you need to prolong this and try to prove you're clever at the same time!? Kill me now
Ended up in a relationship with a guy who was also evasive/no straight answer... why make life more difficult? Go Cooke something dude
I hate this so much. They want to keep you engaged and your attention on them as long as they can because let's be real, who even goes out of their way to talk to most men for prolonged periods of time? I get called rude or a B for just turning around and dropping out of the conversation even though it's deserving of my disrespect. My mom is a huge pickme and tells me I should just stand there and listen anytime someone is just talking to me for whatever reason as if I owe them my time. Whether it be men, random strangers, people at the store. It's ok if my mother doesn't value her time but I have nothing to discuss with people I'm never going to see again in my IRL life. They don't add anything of value to my life, enrich my life and most people are takers. The most frustrating experience was dumb me responding to an ex that dm me, he gave me the biggest run around when I asked why he even messaged me again. So not only did he have nothing to offer me, nothing valuable to say and our interaction was pretty pointless he still didn't get the girl lol
I’m so happy to be autistic, so whenever men use sarcasm my default answer is: “oh, sorry babe/honey/dude/pal, I have autism so I don’t tend to register sarcasm most of the time.”
My response is to accuse them of not knowing. They’re trying to make a joke and change the subject because they don’t actually know the answer.
My mother evades questions like this ... like woman are you so desperate for conversation that you need to prolong this and try to prove you're clever at the same time!? Kill me now
Ended up in a relationship with a guy who was also evasive/no straight answer... why make life more difficult? Go Cooke something dude
I’m so happy to be autistic, so whenever men use sarcasm my default answer is: “oh, sorry babe/honey/dude/pal, I have autism so I don’t tend to register sarcasm most of the time.”