I wasn’t sure if I should post about my experience, because it’s not dating related, but I can’t get it out of my head.
So, last Saturday my friend and I went to a soccer game, as we often do without a problem.
We got there early as we had standing tickets (mind you the stand holds 25000 people) and secured a barrier, because it’s a bit safer when there’s a goal and everyone’s losing it, after some time two guys arrived and without warning told us and two young guys to fuck off. We ignored them. The other two guys left quickly to stand somewhere else.
A few minutes went by and they started pushing my friend, which she ignored. Half an hour or so passes and more of the scrotes friends (I think it ended up being 8-10 of them) arrive with one woman in tow.
They deliberately throw their full cups of beer on us and tell us to fuck off again.
We start an argument in which I tried to explain that we’ve been there early and hey, we‘re all fans of the same team, so let’s be nice.
One of them tells me: move or more of this (pushing and beer throwing) will happen and that they had been standing in this exact spot for 10 yrs (later on I overhear that most of them didn’t even have tickets for this block/stand)… POS liar.
But yeah, you can’t argue with idiots so they yell at us and we decide to NOT move, cause fuck them. The game starts and they didn’t leave either but ignored us as well.
The woman that was with them was the gf of one of these scrotes and I just don’t understand
a) how can you be with a scrote?
b) how can you watch on as they harass two women (you’re one of us, no?!) while you’re standing next to them and not intervene in any way?
Mind you, in a stand with 25000 it’s impossible to get a steward to help you, but it was shocking to see that non of the other fans helped us out either.
Needless to say that I’m traumatized and don’t feel like going to another game even though I already have a ticket for the next one.
I'm sorry that happened to you and your friend, that's horrible. I would have said go and get security, but as you said rather difficult in a large crowd. Don't ever argue with people like that, you can't fix stupid- but you can scare the hell out of it by getting on the phone and loudly announcing you're calling police because you're being harassed and assaulted.
I hate to say it, but even if you two were men they would have done the same thing to you (unless you fit their mould of le douche bags and they decided you were worthy of being mates e.g having something they wanted- drugs, similar opinions etc).
As for the pick-me with them- pack mentality, she'll learn the hard way unfortunately.
I’m sorry this happened to you but WELL DONE for standing your ground! I am territorial about my home but out in public? That’s useless, and pointless. What they were doing was a stupid, territorial bullying tactic. But you stood your ground. I applaud this and I’ve done the same. The difference with me is, for better and worse, a switch flips and I go ballistic. I show power and control. I get dominant and show anger. It works and yes, there’s a risk. But so worth it. It works especially well in public when others are around. There is more of a chance of violence one on one but going ballistic around witnesses? Free pass to put a man/men in his/their place.
What also struck me was how the first set of men immediately skittered off when the first minor show of force was shown. What pick-me’s for other men. I agree with what was said: next time get on your phone and either call police and/or start filming and showing faces. They hate that. If you can, don’t be afraid to get up in their faces and absolutely show dominance. You have a right to exist in public without bother. Again, well done for standing your ground.
I don’t know what country you are in and I am not sure how crowded it was, but the moment they started pushing and throwing beer, I would have pulled out my phone and started filming them. I would tell them, on camera, that if they do anything else I will call the cops, and I will press charges. And I would follow through on my word.