From the movie: Me Time.
Utterly disgusting, since when does Netflix think it’s normal to make a movie with a script that a grown ass men sends a dick pic of a donkey to a minor girl? Especially in this day and age with the me too movement and where women and girls are suing their abusers.
This movie gets worser.
Also, look at how they promote and normalize the delusion of trans ideology. Absolutely disgusting and immoral. “If you wanted a penis is future you could get one”. Um no. That’s not how sex works. That’s not how biology works. Disgusting.
I canceled Netflix after they aired the pedo extravaganza called Cuties. Their programming is harmful and they deserve to starve.
It's got the short disease to all women Kevin heart in it. I think that explains everything about the moral bar of this movie
Kind of related, but did you hear of the show The Time Travelers' Wife? It was canceled because of ppl complaining of the pedi content
Edit: the show is about a grown man who finds that his shower is a time traveling machine, and for some reason it all leads back to his wife's past. There are A TON of scenes were he is in front of his wife as a kid naked, and they even make this a "joke". Like the man said, "I've shaped your sexuality since you were a kid". Filthy degenerate TV show