I'm sorry for sharing male depravity from Reddit even though there's a male depravity tag. I only go on Reddit for 4thwavewomen and r/dogs, a random meme from the trending page made me disturbed so I decided to share as a reminder that most men treat sex workers like shit. I guess I'll stop talking about it though. My intent wasn't "shitposting". I was frustrated seeing a misogynistic meme become that popular despite all the "sex work is real work" chants they make. I wanted to highlight the hypocrisy is still very much alive and lv men find it funny.

They still make memes like this to this day. They make light of dead wives and moms.

Edit: sorry the title was cut off, it said

What the fuck? Men never see SWers as human being. This is why SW is shit and porn is shit.
I don’t believe a man can see women as human beings if he uses prostitutes. I’m also questioning whether porn does the same thing to them which I think it does.
I don't think you should stay silent.
Men silence women too much already.
Thank you for teaching YOUNG women.
There are more young women joining FDS every year, as misogynists and incels are on the rise.
I don't think dividing women further is helping the bigger problem. It's only helping patriarchal system of oppression.
More compassion is needed in this world.
I'm sure you have provided emotional labour to other women and not lashed out or blamed them for the oppression of women.
We all have a choice to what we click on to read. If I don't feel something is of no interest because I've learned already, I'll just skip that topic.
FDS has many post headings and yes its about dating smart but new young women have to start somewhere if they have queries and women on this group should be supportive, seeing as so many men are not! If we haven't got ourselves, who have we?! Why bother reproducing to grow more nasty hatred.
I feel you are seeking a solution to the bigger problem but some women will divide instead of sticking together.
You have past trauma, as do alot of women. Of course you're going to be triggered coz nothing is changing to protect women online, or offline.
Is there any group of women here collectively working to remove hate speech from all websites? Or to track and trace abuser's so courts can take action?
Another person silencing or dismissing a person because they choose to get off their behind and not wallow in their grief does not entitle them to abuse the other or their work to educate young on what is manipulative and abusive. When a person enables abuse or chooses nothing or chooses aggression, they're part of the reason abuse continues.
I've never heard of the 4thwavewomen so thank you, I'm researching it now.