Found another post on Bored Panda, about a woman whose husband is psychologically torturing her. He AND HIS BUDDIES came up with this shit test. Apparently all the other wives "passed" (as pick me's basically begging their husbands to choose them) but this one woman didn't, and good for her. Again, this is from Reddit, but redacted nicely. The comments seem vastly supportive of her forcing him out of the home and divorcing.
This is such a nightmare scenario. You're going along, thinking your relationship is going fine. You have no major complaints, are happy and content, and life is just flowing along. Then suddenly, record scratch, rug is pulled from underneath you, and everything you thought you knew is in question. The person you've vowed to spend your life with is suddenly someone you don't know at all AND he's big mad that you didn't react "right" to a really shitty, cruel prank.
Personally, I LOVE her reaction: she got cold and calculating, took a three hour walk, and basically planned an exit strategy that would benefit her and her children the most, and left him to fend for himself. QUEEN! I honestly hope all the wives in this situation divorce. This man and his scrotey friends deserve to be left high, dry, and BROKE. This is bad enough when dating, but for a MARRIED man, and all his friends to pull this? Just wow. I can't even.
I'm confused- she doesn't divorce him. She's still with him and begging for him to stop acting cold towards her after her initial reaction. I thought I was going to read about a woman with self respect, but that didn't really happen 😑
I loathe cheating with the fire of a thousand suns, so it's some serious shit when I would consider what this guy did worse than cheating.
At least when people cheat, they're usually not doing it because they think it would be hilarious to hurt their spouse.
That wasn't a prank, her husband was running Dread Game on her.
The comments on Reddit are tearing him apart. They are all telling her it’s abuse and should divorce him. I hope she divorces him because he will cheat on her for real if he didn’t already
You can tell which commenters were the ones from FDS, why the fuck are so many women telling her fix this man then leave (after they openly admit it's abuse). NAH.