Hi girls, here are a couple I got a laugh (and a cringe) out of. Enjoy!
This guy wants you to get over yourself if you find the crass memes in his profile offensive! No pictures of him mind you, just memes. What a catch!! I'm DEFINITLEY going to stop what I'm doing to meet this guy in person.

This guy wants your help moving! He'll pay!!

This next gem doesn't even need an introduction. Wow I'm so lucky to have swiped right!

This guy wants to date just you, with no commitment, all while giving him access to your body! Wow I'm so lucky he found me!!
Exclusive and monogamous dating is not the same as being in a committed relationship. This is the kind of man who will introduce you to people as his friend. And that's IF he's introducing you to people at all. This is the guy who uses you as a sex toy and gets jealous if you're dating men that treat you better.

Edit: logged back into Tinder after a couple of days off and found this amazing prospect. What do you guys think, should I take him up on his offer?
God. I wonder if there are women that actually respond to this. Women so desperate to be models that they'd give this ass hat what he wants. This feels predatory to me so I reported this guy lol.

Men thinking they have the right to know if you'll have sex with them and have the audacity talk about it right out of the gate is just proof how delusional and entitled they really are. Their true colors are really showing these days. You can tell they can't get any now and they are becoming unhinged! Keep watching your PUA trash boys, and we'll keep vetting and blocking and deleting your asses LOL
These are hilarious. They probably genuinely sit around scratching their balls wondering why no women want them.
Also I really love the profiles that are immediately crass and seeking sex /labor. The way I look at it is with a good cringe and I'm genuinely glad I didn't even need to bother vetting them. I just saw and immediately swiped left.
Honestly I’m glad these scrotes act this way. They are laying the red flags for women up front so she doesn’t waste her time.
Lmao vinny is straight to the point
Damn, when you start discussing sex like a clause in an insurance contract...
1) grubby little manscrote just wants to make sure he has no one to blame but himself. You didn't reject him, he prerejected you! 🙃
2) is this a new breed of hobosexual?
3) this should have been sung🎶 but tbh this is probably the opening of a scam
4)Yes, sex is included but you'll have to assemble it yourself
JFC I am so so so glad I have never used OLD. When I was in my 20's, I sold "used underwear" to scrotes on CL (yes I fucking did that) & the shit these scrotes say to potential partners (sexual or otherwise) seriously rivals the type of shit that would land in my inbox from losers paying $50 a pop for $2 Walmart underwear. It's both shocking & disgusting.
Wait, I can't see any photos.