This man is just breeding future serial killers at this point. Imagine your dad is an irresponsible absent famous dude who could never possibly have time for you or might even die soon. You have 4000 siblings and 12 moms in your family and neither your father nor your mother gave enough of a shit about you to not put you on this earth under these circumstances. As if this isnt messed up enough they also decided to give you the name Zeppelin <3. If this was me I would have no option but to become a menace to society because this would absolutely break my damn spirit. This little thing never stood a chance :/
Unknown member
Nov 13, 2022
If only we knew why these women are birthing his children.
I will never understand how some women like to downplay the horror that is birth, sure it is a miracle that you are creating life, but you are also destroying your body to do it. I am sick of the cool girl mentality that you just do it, 'it's not that bad'. Woman, you spent a year carrying this crushing weight on your back, squashing your bladder and having difficult sleep (you cant sleep on your back, for fear of that weight crushing some veins in your back and killing the baby), another 12-19 hours, give or take for labour (not called easy fun party deflowering) pushing & painful bloodbath, and all the risks it entails, only for you to say, "it wasn't big deal". Fuck that shit, definitely love your baby, but you can absolutely make a big deal about the process. He's not sharing in the pain, labour, breastfeeding, sleepless nights getting used to your new body, cramps, tearing genitals, none of it. He should know what you're going through if he is going to be a part of that child's life. But I guess that is giving some scrotes too much credit.
so I knew he has children all over the place. But I did a quick google search so I might have misread this.
but he had 2 babies with 2 different women in September and this is his 3rd child with this woman (Abby) and he is currently expecting another child with a different woman from these previous 3 women. The woman he’s expecting the new baby with is who he had a son with last December who sadly passed away.
That’s just wild. How can he keep up? It’s so unfair to his children as well
Should need a license to procreate after the 3rd kid smh. Wtf the name.
This man is just breeding future serial killers at this point. Imagine your dad is an irresponsible absent famous dude who could never possibly have time for you or might even die soon. You have 4000 siblings and 12 moms in your family and neither your father nor your mother gave enough of a shit about you to not put you on this earth under these circumstances. As if this isnt messed up enough they also decided to give you the name Zeppelin <3. If this was me I would have no option but to become a menace to society because this would absolutely break my damn spirit. This little thing never stood a chance :/
If only we knew why these women are birthing his children.
Bro named his child Zeppelin💀😭
I will never understand how some women like to downplay the horror that is birth, sure it is a miracle that you are creating life, but you are also destroying your body to do it. I am sick of the cool girl mentality that you just do it, 'it's not that bad'. Woman, you spent a year carrying this crushing weight on your back, squashing your bladder and having difficult sleep (you cant sleep on your back, for fear of that weight crushing some veins in your back and killing the baby), another 12-19 hours, give or take for labour (not called easy fun party deflowering) pushing & painful bloodbath, and all the risks it entails, only for you to say, "it wasn't big deal". Fuck that shit, definitely love your baby, but you can absolutely make a big deal about the process. He's not sharing in the pain, labour, breastfeeding, sleepless nights getting used to your new body, cramps, tearing genitals, none of it. He should know what you're going through if he is going to be a part of that child's life. But I guess that is giving some scrotes too much credit.
Ok, wow!
so I knew he has children all over the place. But I did a quick google search so I might have misread this.
but he had 2 babies with 2 different women in September and this is his 3rd child with this woman (Abby) and he is currently expecting another child with a different woman from these previous 3 women. The woman he’s expecting the new baby with is who he had a son with last December who sadly passed away.
That’s just wild. How can he keep up? It’s so unfair to his children as well
Men be like “fatherless behavior” whenever a woman does or says something dumb, then turn around an worship men like this scrote.
This man needs to be sterilized. I also want to know why these women keep having kids with him 🤨