Fuckboi starter pack: middle-aged, nonexistent hairline, scraggly facial hair, random tattoos, sunglasses concealing eyes/identity, small stick poking out of mouth.
Well in this context it's that I'm trying to explain to you about drums and dance as a mode of transcendental/meditative states which is a MASSIVE part of human heritage, my direct and very near heritage, but you're talking talking about low IQ which is exactly what "they" do when they look at anyone whose not "them" 😭.
I dont even know what hardstyle is though hahah
Unknown member
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Google it. This is not Drum and Bass. This is loud piercing noises only enjoyable by druggies.
Also, I love rap/hiphop, so I don't think you're right. I like complex music, not just noise.
I am talking about drum and bass, house music as well as the non american/euro-centric genres this music derived from, if you can imagine :).
Yes I'm sure a refined aesthete like you really appreciates the fine drug-free slop of emotional cripple males 😄 with complex utterings such as: A hip, a hop, a hibby to the hip hip hop and you don't stop the boogie (woo)
but more often on the spectrum of:
"Pillow case to your face, make the shell muffle (woo)
I've seen heaps of scrotes but this is a bit too much to digest. It looks like Scrote lagoon will never cease to exist and the come in all sizes. I bet he wants you to cook and clean while he sits on his ass playing video games. I thought America was bad.
Unknown member
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The toothpick and arrogant smirk just screams " polyamourous multidater" to me, too
Fuckboi starter pack: middle-aged, nonexistent hairline, scraggly facial hair, random tattoos, sunglasses concealing eyes/identity, small stick poking out of mouth.
It is an international disease.
I've seen heaps of scrotes but this is a bit too much to digest. It looks like Scrote lagoon will never cease to exist and the come in all sizes. I bet he wants you to cook and clean while he sits on his ass playing video games. I thought America was bad.