Read this:
"Competitions between girls is a bit of a different branch of internalized misogyny, but still notable. Have you ever noticed how there always seems to be one designated spot for a girl in a leadership position at your school, club or job? That’s no coincidence. Most systems operate so that there is always a token woman working among the men to show representation. While that’s nice and all, it has girls competing with other girls for that one spot, a situation that is probably the most subtle, but most prevalent issue to come out of internalized misogyny. To grab a hold of and maintain that single spot in your job or team, bringing other girls down is almost necessary. It pits girls against girls and can sometimes turn pretty ugly."
In media representations too: The muppets there is only Mis Piggy, In the Avengers there is only Black Widow who was the second to last to get her own movie vs Thor, Iron man, Hulk, Captain America
In a fictional team there is the leader, the smart one, the strong one, the minority and the girl even though women make up 50% of the population.
Wow she's only 14! Cool to see her write about topics like this
We see it all the time. Nothing ever improves this situation. I think it's about time something was done. And I don't mean through violence, like a man would. Emotional abuse is not even recognised in courts. I don't know if this is every country globally but I believe abuse starts somewhere and all types of abuse are abuse and should not be happening. The only way I see things changing for the better in my lifetime is if women demand better consistently. We should never be silenced on the issue of abuse (all types). We can do this by first getting more women into law professions, and jobs where our bodily functions are ours only as they effect us directly. Stem cell research, biomedical, surgeons, even construction. If I can learn to drive a 3 tonne digger in two days, anyone can. This should happen in tandem with us all protesting for more protection, and then going on to amend or add laws that give us this emotional mental and physical protection. If we stay behind screens just talking in circles, and I'm by no means saying this to shame or belittle anyone, then patriarchy and misogyny will continue well into the future until the demise of this earth. I depresses me to know future women will take their last breath at the hand's of violence feeling nobody cares. But I do. I just can't do anything on my own. You all see how they pick a lone woman apart, even to the point she kills herself. We cannot do this alone or inconsistently. I'm waiting. I'm ready. Are you?