This clown is upset that his girlfriend wrote about him after he asked her to go 50/50 on their date.
He found out that she wrote about him on FDS and is upset that she "agreed with someone saying 50/50 dates were a sign of lack of interest and a way of making sure I didn't lose money without having sex afterwards" - as if she isn't right! and is upset that she follows FDS.
He's like a lot of men that get annoyed when women have standards and are doubly annoyed when women hold them to said standards. This guy had no issue with his girlfriend until he saw the post about him, that called him out on his behaviour. It says a lot about his character, in that he's upset that she's upset about the way he treated her.
Here's the link to this idiot's post:
I've also included it here for those who don't want to check the link out:

Seems like bait. In case it's real - he's upset with her for having standards and cloaks it under respectful language, to gain relatability or validation or whatever. Sign of a manipulative character.
I read the post and some of the comments. Above all else, and as a reminder to myself as well, be careful what you let out - what you tell your date / friends about your opinions on dating, your standards for a partner, what forums you read. I’ve had both female and male friends (for reference: church friends) who wince and quince at the idea that i prefer to marry up a social class or that i expect the guy to pay for my meals and my past rs has always been the guy paying. (this is despite the fact that the same people advocate for males being the sole breadwinner and the wives giving up their financial freedom to be housewives and bangmaid) point being, most people, regardless of how you hope their values are aligned with yours, regardless of how you think that whatever beliefs you have are backed by logic and evidence, chances are if they know you share the FDS beliefs (regardless if they even know FDS exists), they will judge you, think less of you, and treat you less. consider that (another) one of my female friends told me that her ex boyfriend chose not to marry her despite dating for >7 years and married someone else who he just met and lavished her with luxury goods. this is despite my friend bringing him dinner almost every day to his workplace for years. she calls the other lady gold digger. bearing in mind that my friend comes from a very well to do household. my point is seemingly very well to do polished and pretty women can be the ultimate pickens as well and they’ll secretly hate all the ladies the guys fawn over. so don’t let these females and the guys you are dating know you subscribe to FDS or subscribe to whatever beliefs or values similar to what FDS advocates
You’re confused about what you should do? Scrote, stop asking to go 50/50 and apologise for ever doing so.
That’s a nice little fanfiction. Even when they roleplay they give themselves away, lol “didn’t lose money without having sex” what a self-own of his own pathetic desperation.
Maybe scrote should’ve stepped up his game instead of being this emotional little crybaby?
Him: I'm literally shaking. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
oh so he gets to set boundries and make shitty comments about her, but she can't do the same? interesting... and he gets to "not want to be in a relationship" with someone like her, but she was still with him, since the date he's talking about is from 7 months prior and they've been together for 8 months.
gimme a break
Did she dump him, though? I need an ending!
poor dude 🤣
Personally I think this is made up.
Checkout how everything is such an emergency with this so called 22 yo. Conveniently, he is at an age where he might have just started a job and maybe has student loans. Yet when she shared the sad post story, he didn't tag her original post. Imagine how many 23 yo girls might have shared that post who'd met his parents already. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that. Either he is pretty loaded (perhaps another Beckham) or just cheap. Either way, a waste of time, if you couldn't tell him ranting like that for likes. Question is what makes these people go to such lengths pretending anonymously? To what lengths these men go to smear their supposedly 'one true love's' name.