So my ex-boyfriend tried to break up with me a few months ago, saying he didn't want any attachments and he's not ready to commit but still want us to continue an FWB relationship. Basically, slowly transition back to being friends without breaking up. He obviously wanted the sex I was supplying and I caught onto his game real quick. I told him "no, friendship starts now and friends do not have sex" and I knew after that conversation ended I was going to instantly block him lol. He started the conversation breaking up with me but by the end he was begging me rather to consider lmaooo. He was very much expecting me to beg "noooo don't leave me i'll do anything", little did he know, I'd been over his BS for a while and this was the final strike. He first started to blame me, saying I've wanted to break up with him and I'm not committed. As if he didn't literally say the same thing to me just to break up with me. Mind you, it was exam season and I did not need this additional stress. It's been three, almost 4 months since that night and he's called me multiple times a week and sent so many messages on all my messaging apps. It made me super anxious at first, then it was hilarious, but now I'm just pissed to my core. How dare he! I literally had to beg him just for a phone call once every few weeks, and he told me that was too much. A single text every few days was too much work for him to keep up. But now that I've discarded him from my life, he suddenly has all the time in the world to call me at all hours of the day. Good riddance. I'd always planned to take some time off dating to get better acquainted with myself. I've not hard an easy time, I've had some bad days but I'm in the process of setting up my online business and finishing my final year of uni while getting my professional certification so I've given myself two years to get my act together and fully level up to the HVW I know I am. Just a side note, I didn't block him all these months because I was afraid he'd randomly show up at my house and I needed to read any messages he sent to be prepared if he did. He hasn't done anything in the last 3 months except call and text so I recently blocked him because there's nothing to worry about.

Late response but I l ooooove this post! The way you said "boy bye!"
nothing makes a scrote angrier than when their emotional manipulation of is doesn‘t work—good for you!
I love this so much. I find it so funny how guys always get the most desperate when you let them know you are no longer interested. That's when they really show themselves to be the clingy, dependent, desperate people that they are.
I had a guy do this exact same thing to me before. He broke up with me then got offended when I cut off all contact with him lmao. You handled this like a queen!!
I'm so proud of you 💚 I had such a similar situation with my ex that I'm wondering if it's the same man.. They don't deserve us in the slightest. Let them go eat grass.
Similar situation with my ex, except I was the one who broke up with him, and was still being a pick me for sure, so I allowed him the fwb transition while I got space and figured out our stuff. Turns out his Low Effort would turn to No Effort once my pussy wasn't readily available at his beck and call, and the convenience of me being horny wouldn't reward him either, in that he had to actually try to make me happy & turned on. So that ended fast and hard.
So awesome. He kept showing you who he really was and you finally believed him. Maybe this will be good info for him to grow up and be a better boyfriend for the next one.
Wow. He cared about you...but only wanted to be friends.
Scrote logic honestly makes no sense. He doesn't want to be in a relationship yet he values you and your memories together?!?
Good to see you walk away from this hot emotional mess. He'd really say anything because he values sex but nothing else.
Good job not falling for the "friends with benefits" schtick! You are your most important and best advocate; be proud of standing up for yourself :)
Good for you! You deserve so much better than this.