https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-state-our-unions/202208/the-rise-lonely-single-men This is the article. He mentions how although being single itself doesn’t mean a negative thing, it is a negative for men (alluding to past research that men benefit from marriage to women moreso than women benefit from marriage to men lol). This article, which was published only a couple days ago, gives me hope that scrotey men are finally facing some consequences. I am hoping hookup culture and dating apps no longer make it easy for these men to prey on women. They can no longer do the bare minimum.
How refreshing not to see women blamed in this article. The author ends the piece telling men they've got a big part in this and can change it. We know that'll fall on deaf ears, but it's nice seeing one article that doesn't blame women for not wanting a guy who beats her during sex, doesn't have a job (or want one) and plays video games all day.
What men want is to not change a slam thing and for us all to take what they dish out. We’re all staying our standards and having none of it! 💁🏼♀️ Every guy I know who is long term single has unrealistic expectations of the kinds of woman he can get (average Joe wanting a 10/10 model) and then expects her to pay for herself and wants to treat her like a bro he sleeps with. No thanks!
Is there something wrong with men's brains? Of course no one will want to be in a relationship with you if you fail to demonstrate the most basic relationship skills. That's like being surprised you're not issued a driver's license after refusing to demonstrate you can adequately drive a car. . .
It's finally happening. They are noticing our pushback. I always advocated to stop casual sex as it was risky all around, but with the US abortion bans I pushed for women to have a casual sex strike. I had said on the old site a few months back that if women all started raising our standards that men will either have to step up (start leveling up themselves haha because many will not do that) or step out. Not surprised more lvm are stepping out of dating because they do not care to even try to improve themselves.
Lol this is why men threaten women with singleness like it’s a bad thing. They’re projecting. They benefit from coupling much more than we do. 🤣
Eliminate them from the gene pool
I hope male lurkers on this site see this:
If you cannot consitently show up and care for YOURSELF, how do you expect to do that for a partner?
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-state-our-unions/202208/the-rise-lonely-single-men This is the article. He mentions how although being single itself doesn’t mean a negative thing, it is a negative for men (alluding to past research that men benefit from marriage to women moreso than women benefit from marriage to men lol). This article, which was published only a couple days ago, gives me hope that scrotey men are finally facing some consequences. I am hoping hookup culture and dating apps no longer make it easy for these men to prey on women. They can no longer do the bare minimum.
This was posted about 24 hours ago on LSA and there are seven HUNDRED pages of men screeching that women are the entitled ones chasing the top 5% of men 🙄 (their proof is random screenshots of single moms on tinder) and that women cant handle an ounce of rejection that men receive. (They used a scripted tv show as proof too lmao) and that men are the true victims.
Men on a womens gossip forum basically advertising that if you ever give them a chance, they will indeed beat the shit out of you. And YOU are the IRRATIONAL ones for noticing. They have "socializing issues" from a "bad childhood", dontcha know? 👉👈
I just heard about young women on TikTok warning each other about some dating app fuckboy they call "West Elm Caleb". (I'm not on TikTok because I'm officially "too old for this shit" 😆 Hence why I'm just hearing about stuff that happened on there months later 🤣)
Most of the articles out there try to spin it as if these women are being unreasonable, and as if his behaviour is normal 🙄
Stuff like this is why women are leaving dating apps.
Nearly 2/3 of dating apps are men and this is saying how their chances of finding a match is bad? Women have a near 0% chance of finding a match. The men are not match worthy.
Also those dating sites are banning women so they're shooting themselves in the foot
Whoops I almost posted the same article. Good thing I checked 👏 Scrotes, die mad!!
Good! 😂