Never want to be groomed in any way again. I’m thankful I don’t have nudes online, although I don’t judge women who fall into that trap. Groomers for OnlyFans and prostitution are more popular than ever.
First step is normalizing it, next is calling it “empowerment” even though it’s an industry built to please depraved men, last is making them believe it’s “easy money” - when studies show “sex work” often gives the women who try it CPTSD. The payout is often FAR less than they advertise. The average OnlyFans creator makes only $180 a month. How is that worth having a video trail with extremely vulnerable footage for life?
I posted a selfie on my Reddit account just for fun and found a Predditor. LMAO. I guess this is why FDS moved to Wix.

Sometimes it's not just naivete: sometimes it's mostly desperation. i've thought aout selling faceless pics of me in underwear or something (nothing explicit) because i've been unemployed for a while. i'm not going to do that, but i've considered it out of desperation. and i've heard sotires of women who are against this sort of """"work"""" and did it anyways because they really needed the money. this is why patriarchy want to keep us poor. we don't need to be married to a man to depend on his money, after all...
It's the "girls" for me. That lets you know the sh*tstorm to come before reading further.
-Only fan's agency? What agency? What's the name? -No proper introduction
-No commas
-Doesn't properly address who he's writing to.
-No period at the end of sentences.
-My team = himself.
-Discussing the client's $$$ is a big no-no.
This is a scammer scoring for nudes.
🤮🤮🤮 This is gross. Pls be extraaa careful about posting selfies to reddit bc it will be halfway around the world in seconds. From there it could be used in porn ads, photoshopped into a nude pic or scrapped for meta data and used to doxx you. These slack-jawed apex redditors don’t deserve to breathe the same air as most women, let alone perceive us in any way. This onlyfans message proves their degeneracy knows no bounds.
I don't know how many people would trust some spam message from some unknown random. But recently I've seen a Youtuber unintentionally promote OnlyFans by setting up an account as a joke.
That is someone a lot of people would trust.
I don't think she had any idea what kind of influence this would have on her audience. To her credit, she did say making content for OnlyFans takes a lot more time and effort than you'd think, so she wasn't trying to push the idea that it's easy money.
But the point she made about the amount of work required was soon undercut by her showing her profile making over $600 in two weeks despite posting photos that show next to no skin, and not even charging a fee for access - the money it made was from tips (because she already has a lot of fans who will support anything she does, someone who doesn't have a following like hers would absolutely not make nearly that much.)
Add to that, she was falling all over herself to make it clear she's not criticizing the sex industry. I can somewhat understand - that's not the type of topic she normally gets into, she's trying to keep her channel a peaceful place.
But the end result: so many people in the comments of her video saying they want to try putting their photos on OnlyFans, too. I facepalmed so hard reading those.
This is pimping and it should be illegal world wide.
OnlyFans was recently caught reporting Meta competitors to terror watchlists.
Wow, it’s literally a pimp prowling for prey. I’m so disgusted I could vomit.