Now that FDS is off Reddit, feeling motivated to make this post that I was putting off:
When visiting r/breakingmoms, I came across a post about what a mom would do if they had a whole day to themselves. When I read it, I was struck by how much of it I do without these stressful obligations that they have.
>I would play video games on the big TV with the sound up and order Chinese, eat it while it's still actually HOT, drink my coffee while it's hot and within an hour of pouring it lol, watch YouTube that isn't elmo and take a nap. That cat Cafe sounds amazing.
Yep, video games, eat hot Chinese food, drink hot coffee, watch whatever I want on youtube and take a nap
>Not only hot, but it's whatever you want with no thinking about what everyone else wants and no cooking
>I love playing my switch handheld but I played on the big screen the other day for like 10 minutes and was like...damn...this is actually amazing
I do that, and for more than 10 minutes. Check.
>Hot meals are so underrated. And nobody ever understands why im so pissed that its cold AGAIN or that I have to also get up to reheat my food AGAIN.
I have never had this experience.
>Ugh I would go get my hair cut and coloured after 4 years without a haircut! Got get some Japanese food for lunch with a really good book or some magazines, then walk around a book shop or library and get a coffee and dessert after
That was a really nice Saturday for me.
>It’s my birthday tomorrow too. My husband is deployed. My oldest 10 brought covid home as a close contact from school so now my 3 month old, my 1.5 year old and I also have covid and are Quarantined at home. I’m feeling sad, alone, lonely and depressed. No one to call and say happy birthday to me. No one even knows it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to us for tomorrow.
Imagine having a husband who doesn't even call and say happy birthday to you, let alone celebrate your birthday or give you presents. Imagine that.
>Brunch alone where no one looks at my plate and says 'Ew', clothes shopping alone, JUST FOR CLOTHES FOR ME, and a massage. Then a nap if I had time. Bliss.
Yup, did that recently.
I never knew about this sub but dude....just reading the man rant posts I am beyond shocked. The comments are either people with the same experience or people who are slowly realizing that these men are worthless and are just adding to the mothers stress. I am beyond happy to get the chance to learn from others mistakes. I hope these women see the light soon and find the opportunity to leave these manchildren.
wow these women are pathetic losers
Love this post!
Edit: I think you meant r/breakingmom
Everytime I see any relationship stories on reddit and in real life, it just amazes me how everything that are normal daily life for me are big, self-care, loving yourself romanticized thing for them.
Going to the cinema alone and eating out alone? They make it sounds like it is such a life-changing, brave thing to do. Cooking only food I want or laze around doing nothing all day? Gosh what a dream! Just go bare-faced and not worrying about how I look that day? Such bravery!
It is honestly sad, the things a lot of women chain themselves to just so they can "fit in".
I agree with all of this... single life has huge perks. But I feel even more in the catbird seat having an accidental pregnancy when I was fairly young, then birthing and raising my daughter as a single mom bc her dad was a POS and I knew better even at 20 to take him up on marriage. Now she's grown and off on her own, I'm still fairly young with my looks largely intact, my income having grown substantially, and the love of a good kid in my life. It's awesome.
@Corgi that’s why I became a service member as well, and didn’t stay as a mere useless milso: milsos always end up having like seven kids, weighting like 400 lbs, and nothing else in life. The best part? Doing way better than my first husband, since I found a better (in both looks and personality) husband while in service. Never had to experience any of this because I had my baby once my (2nd) husband was out of service, and he could afford to be with the baby. I only had a year left anyways.
I had a coworker tell me last week, "don't get married, you are smart to never had married" she basically told me she tolerated her husband because she needs help raising their kid. she comes into work completely stressed and stressed most days and work is her "peace". This isn't the first time this has happened. Wait till your friends hit middle age, it becomes a constant stream of husband complaining, basically being stressed out all the time. Meanwhile, I go home to a silent house, sleep my full 7-8 hours, things stay where I put them, very little to no stress, and then add on I can do whatever I want to do. Being single & childfree is freedom with ten times less stress.
I don’t think all married women are sad, but busy as hell. Some are definitely sad. When you have children you have to create a new normal. No one ever tells you just how hard it is. I’m divorced, but did all of the above when I was married. But it’s a lot harder to find me time, and it’s very easy to get lost in those roles. You have to fight like hell to maintain your individuality.
The meals thing is one of the many reasons I hate my dad visiting. I have to get him his food and ice water (70 something Pakistani male and totally spoiled by my mum and his sister) and my food is always cold.
Breakingmom is such a depressing subreddit, it's filled with textbook examples of what happens when you settle for a scrote husband . If you're ever feeling lonely being single just go take a scroll thru breakingmom and you won't anymore 😉
I find motherhood and childbirth terrifying, you risk your life/everything you love/everything you hold dear/believe/enjoy/
your friendships/careers/education
And everything that interests you will be put on risk to lose. You are literally and spiritually standing with one leg in the grave.
If I do have a baby girl one day ( I don’t want sons) I won’t allow myself to be like these mothers. It doesn’t matter what ppl think or say but my children will be second place. My mental health comes first. Not because I’m irresponsible but because I am responsible. If I fall apart then I would be useless as a caregiver. My daughters will never be first place but they will also never be last place.
With second place they can still thrive, they can still have their mother around everyday, they have room to breathe and won’t be entitled brats.
It sucks that its off Reddit. I feel like making another Women only sub on there and just start over.
I am a single mom now, but was a SAHM when my son was a baby/toddler. I never understood the cold coffee thing...just put your coffee in a thermos/insulated coffee cup?? I literally used Dollar Tree ones and they kept my coffee hot or at least warm until it was gone. The only time my coffee gets cold now is when I'm using a mug and take my time lol I won't touch on the other points because I feel they can be valid. The cold coffee complaining just gets me all riled up 😂 it's such an easy fix!!!!
I can do all these things fortunately, despite my marital status. I don't think I would stay if I couldn't. I didn't give up my life when I agreed to share part/most of it with someone.
I always wonder how women end up with men like this. I've never dated, but that is my biggest fear.
That post you copied is bad but I think being married is not the only cause of her misery. It’s more her choice of partner (I find most men in the army / law enforcement have patriarchal views and give off narcissistic vibes). Also, why choose to place your entire financial welfare into a man’s hand and not work? She should focus on building herself a career and dump his ass if he id that absent. In maximum 2 years her children will all be at school so there’s really no reason to not work.
A lot of single moms work full time and are also full time moms. It is hard but it’s a choice of life. it also gives an amazing example to their children of all genders on equality. This is the key to fade patriarchy imo.
I would like having kids and can't imagine why I wouldn't be able to do most if not all of that as a parent. Call me a naive non-parent but Mr. Munster is very unselfish and considerate. He would definitely make sure I had alone time.
Besides, I'm already busy and tired as a childless person lol it's not gonna be anything I'm not already used to.