The case of Adam Levine asking his side chick if he can name his third child after her, prompted me to write this because I have long wondered what possesses men to want to name their child after an ex or a mistress.
This is yet another way men show no regard to their partners because there is no way a man that respects his partner would ever think of doing this.
Can anyone please give me insight into this loony behavioural trait?!
It's about humiliation, power and control
I think a big part of it is the thrill of going behind his partner's back and having a whole ass relationship without her knowing and then going one more step beyond that and showing off his mistress in a subtle way. It's like he wants to be caught. I think a part of him would have gotten giddy over her not really knowing what the name truly means for him. Like she's not in on the secret but he is.
Imagine the tantrum if a woman wanted to name the kid after a past flame.
In my experience, when men act incredibly disrespectful like that, it's because they want the wife to give him that sweet freedom of divorce so that he can play the victim later on and have the perfect sob story to get more sex from the other woman.
Men know exactly what they're doing. When they start acting extremely insane like that, that's just code for "PLEASE DUMP ME I'M BEGGING YOU!"
I only have my name because my father suggested it to my mother and she agreed. My name is the same as an ex-girlfriend of his.
When I was first told that, I was a single-digit age and I knew then that was fucked up.
I think it's to give themselves an excuse for preying on their kids in childhood and later in life
men are trash, that's the only explanation that makes sense to me. i simply CANNOT respect creatures who behave like men most of the time. i'm not capable of that.
Men see children as their property too, it's the whole "I pay for this house therefore it's my castle and I can do whatever I want." They see the naming of a child as a "souvenir" of their other favorite properties. I was sadly not shocked when I saw that part about his cheating: someone on FDS before had said their first + middle name was after two women her father had a three****e with, LONG before he met her mother
Saw a TikTok that naming his son Sumner is a double entendre. Sumner Redstone (founder of Viacom) was a notorious philanderer that was paying his mistresses millions of dollars to keep quiet. Sociopathic. This goes way deeper than the average, healthy person can wrap their head around.
Looks like Adam Levine is definitely an abuser. He’s giving Chris Watts vibes devaluing and cheating on his pregnant wife who is also raising 2 little preschool aged girls. Recall that Chris Watts also wanted to name his unborn son Nico after Nichole his affair partner.
Levine was accused of abusing Behati Prinsloo when their elder daughter was a newborn, too. Chump Lady has a good take on his diabolical behavior.
He could have just been telling her things to get her into bed/ have her do gross things (he has such a porn sick face that I shudder to think). How do we know he really intended to name his child after her?
'Girls like you' was a true story. 🙄
Because he really wants to be with his ex/side chick. So he names his kids after his ex/side chick to keep the name alive. Everytime that he calls that kid's name out, he reminisces about the one that got away.
Absolutely disgusting.