Has anyone here been to one of those meetings? I’ve found out about it recently and I am thinking on attending one in my city this week. I have never thought about being codependent since I deal very good with being single (2 years and counting). However, I am fully aware that once I am in a relationship I tend to sabotage it. I pick up fights out of the blue to test whether or not the guy will be there “no matter what”. I think this group would be very helpful to level up - with my therapy, of course. Any comments are appreciated! Thanks
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I actually just commented on a post with advice to go to CoDA. I have been going to meetings for several months now and particularly when I first started it was a godsend/major life line. I went to my first meeting during the midst of a breakup with my negative value partner who had substance abuse issues (like literally I joined a meeting online while he was packing a bag to go). It was very easy to point out his shortcomings and all the ways I resented him for not changing but I realized I had to take a hard look at myself and why I was attracted to this relationship and why it took so long for me to end the attachment I knew was only causing me stress and grief. On the outside I seemed like I had it all together, good head on my shoulders kind of deal. But all my issues really came spilling out in the context of a romantic relationship and it was hard to ignore. All the meetings follow the same general format but it’s nice to kind of shop around (easier since there’s so many online meetings) and see the different vibe and makeup of a group- age, gender, size etc. One of the more useful tools on the CoDA website which is also shared in meetings is a list of characteristics and patterns codependents tend to exhibit. You won’t relate to all of them but it was eye opening to see how many of them I did relate to especially regarding low self esteem. All of that to say check it out! At worst you waste an hour but more than likely you will at least find solace in being in a group where people are open about their struggles in maintaining healthy relationships, and not just romantic ones. You can go and be a “lookey loo” and no one will care but to get the most out of it you have to really commit to doing the work.
I have been. Nobody in coda can really express anything about your story so its good to vent, not feel alone, but to really examine the issues, not so much... Noone can challenge you. So imo there is a limit to what it can do. But definitely its free validation for uou and you can express things and just listen to others.