Listen, usually I unmatch but tonight I was in the mood to call someone on their bullshit. For your safety I would recommend just unmatching but why do men get to wander around this world acting like buffoons and not get called out. I'll call one out occasionally. They don't like the frankness.
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Classic. Rejected…so you must be upset…then all of a sudden you’re not fuckable. It’s like they’re all reading from the same playbo… oh wait. He won’t suggest a real date. This is what they do. Takeout? Lol.
“I’m just asking. You can always say no” but then he’ll act like a whiny little bitch when you do say no
Men get upset when women don't wanna sleep with them, so they think they can upset us by telling us "we're unfuckable". Are we? Are we unfuckable? Y'all stick your dick into literally anything that breathes (some dont even need to breath) and you think we're unfuckable? You think that's a way we use to measure our value? LOL so funny
Definitely a walking red flag. First asking you to his house and later offering you a drink at his place. I’m glad we have FDS to protect more naive women who would fall for this kind of act and definitely get hurt by it (whether physically, sexually, or both). I love how he gets defensive right away and tries to say you’re the one is who is all upset. He’s just upset his micro peen didn’t get wet for once
Sexual predator alert
I always said no to going to a guy’s house even before FDS. Too many risks. Also - what if he’s a catfish? It’s hard to leave when someone is bigger and stronger than you. This guy would NOT have let you leave if you went there.
Well done. Now you are 100% sure he's a clown and you know you do not need to bother with him ever again. As for "come to my house/room/basement, we can watch a movie and eat popcorn".... For those of you who still think it's just an innocent movie and poocorn, nothing more- I have some news: IT IS NOT. Keeping it just a movie and a popcorn depends 100% of how soon you leave, okay? Even before the "movie" started. Want to watch a movie? Go to the cinema but not at the latest hour. Don't want him to paw your thigh and try and palm your 😼 put your bag/jacket in between you and him. If he extends his palm and tries to grab you like an octopus leave. Even a prostitute gets more consideration than that. You wanna see his unmade bed and dirty room and smell his BO as he tries the same maneuver on you at his place? He doesn't even know how to make popcorn. Come on! And they always ask girls/ women to stay afterwards because they get horny... All that watching a movie next to a hot woman just gets their lousy dicks hard. Next time a guy invites you to their place, bring your whole family as a a surprise. Or don't interact with him anymore. It's a perfect occasion for the gloves are off , LVM moment. The mask drops so fast... 😩😫
This is what scrotes call "shoot your shot", because getting ANY kind of sexual interaction with women always comes second to dating. Have you ever heard or "doesn't matter, got laid"? This is what these guys think. Even if something does not work out he still got sex ( I guarantee he would push for sex once you got there). I was stupid enough to go to this kind of "date" once and the guy keep trying to force himself on me while actively telling me that he respects me and don't want to push me. I suffered for an hour because I wanted him to like me, then I left because he creeped me out.
He never texted me again. My idea of "I have to suffer so he likes me" didn't work. He didn't like me after all.
These guys are dangerous.
The women that still go on these "dates" need to start robbing them and throwing out valuable shit like social security cards and IDs
Male audacity strikes again.
One day he's going to end up inviting a murderer over to his house. It's only a matter of time. And then the predator will suddenly become the prey.
Or, at the very least, he'll invite over someone who infests his place with bedbugs. 😆
King didn't like the slightest bit of heat. Weak!
It is fruitless to engage with men on this level. Just block and delete. You sound like a nanny trying to teach a boy a lesson, but even if men like this were educable that isn't your role.
This guy is a stranger. You surrender your power when you become vested in how a stranger conducts himself. Remember male audacity. The ruling principle of their lives is if you never ask, you'll never get.
Otherwise, you'll be having some variant of this same exchange with men for the rest of your life.
Awwww! You hurt his rapey little pee-pee's feeeeeeeelings! These LVM thinking they can order a woman like pizza. So glad women are waking up to this nonsense. A man who invites you to his home as a perfect stranger thinks only of fucking you, and nothing more.
I think your replies were 👌🙌
Haha, he lost it so quickly. Good riddance.
CLASSIC🤣🤣🤣 He's so mad. God. This gives me life energy
Oh no, he will continue his same attempts.
He was planning to waste your time. Good thinking OP.
He’s definitely a rapist and if he didn’t want that title given to him, why is he trying to isolate women at his house and get them drunk? That’s rapist behavior~
Just block and delete with no explanation. Your time is precious, and he clearly doesn't care about anything but what he wants.