I was watching a youtube video by HINDZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06UYxa6yntE
While I was watching he said something that resonated with me just by how he phrased it. "Your attention is your greatest currency." While he was talking about not giving your attention to mind numbing things like TV and media, I knew it could be translated over into the FDS ideology. Wasting your life by giving your attention to things that don't benefit you is depressing.
I understand that FDS does state this in the handbook but I had never truly realized it until I started to get into the dating world. Men thrive off of attention, whether its because they cant give it to themselves or need more than what they have, they just do. So its no wonder why they freak out if you decide to leave them in the dust of your own greatness.
Recently I had an encounter with my ex. Unfortunately we work at the same place but for the most part have schedules that don't coinside. But one a rare day they did. I got there and he was quiet, being the coward he is, and I just minded my own. Well my job is in retail so you have to be happy or die, so I give a happy vibe to all my coworkers. Even the ones that I'm not fond of. For the most part I kept my distance but we had to end up working next to each other and communicating. I was being nice so I guess he took that as "Oh I can flirt with her again." Mind you I had broken up with him and gotten back together because my defences were low and I was the one wanting attention that I couldn't give myself. But this time I had FDS so I was ready.
I kept being friendly but not flirting back or initiating conversation. We ended off on a good note but I knew that it wasn't going to last at all. His number is blocked and deleted in my phone and I had no intention of reaching out like I did last time. I went about my day after the shift perfectly happy, content that I wasn't begging for someones attention.
Well, come to the next day, I halfway knew what to expect. Either he keeps trying to test the waters to see if I'm a pickme still, or ignore me completely because he knows he cant reach me. Well it was the latter. Turns out, if you don't give them the attention they desperately seek, they turn to tantrums. I was ignored, which I was okay with but I had work to do so it made it slightly difficult not being able to communicate. He was trying to be extra kind to everyone around me like he had last time, probably in hopes I'll see what I'm missing out on. I shrugged and had a good time at work anyway. Before I worked on myself and FDS I would have been a mess. While I had a few slip ups, like thinking for a second it might work, I didn't let them rule my attention or happiness. He left the shift huffing and visibly angry.
But I learned from the experience that men do in fact thrive off the attention we give them. It drains energy out of our lives to accomodate the black hole that is there in their hearts, never to be filled. So now I am remembering that my attention is incredibly precious and there is no man, especially a low value one, who will receive it until they prove that they are worthy of it.
After I realized that men had to prove their worth for any access to my body, it took me a while to realize that even with no physical access, they could still be energy leeches. LVM will try to get as much as they can from you, for the least effort possible. Probably because they're incapable of being self-sufficient or actually enjoying their own company.
( Hindz is one of the spirituality-focused YouTubers I enjoy watching btw !)
Your point is very important. Some women don’t understand that some men LOVE female attention and they will keep talking to you, texting you without never asking you Out because they just want your attention. It’s an ego boost. This happened to me a few times. Men would text me, talk to me every day but they had no intentions of asking me out. The strategy is: if you are not dating, do not entertain those scrotes. I met a man in a social network and we started talking. This scrote would talk to me every day and I found out he had a wife who was pregnant. While she was at home waiting for their baby, he was speaking to me the entire day. Men are horrible creatures. Don’t waste your time entertaining them.
I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. I do feel that this is why some scrotes have a bunch of female friends. They love the female attention and to triangulate any romantic interests with the “besties”. 🤮
"Men thrive off of attention, whether its because they cant give it to themselves or need more than what they have, they just do. So its no wonder why they freak out if you decide to leave them in the dust of your own greatness." ". It drains energy out of our lives to accomodate the black hole that is there in their hearts, never to be filled."