It's always these Aunt-Lydia type mothers who advocate for their sons as if they're the Prince of Persia. I used to look at these posts and think they're troll but this is so real. Unfortunately coming from east-asia, this is quite common in our culture where they write the description of the bride or groom and post it in a public forum with a list of demands. You'd be surprised at how reasonable and modest the posts are that are advertising a woman and here we are looking at men who cant even find the correct size shirts. Where is the bar now, Satan's buttcrack???

Why such a low weight limit for the poor gals who’s terrible fate will be to lie under her favorite walruses—whoops, I mean “sons?” You would need to weigh at least 200 lbs to come out unsuffocated after one of these guys laid on top of you.
Definitely, because they raise their sons like kings and tell him how handsome he is etc. Then they're surprised when other women don't want them.
Their sons need to lose weight, buy better fitting clothes and fix their damn hair.
I love that she posted a pic of herself as well. Like "Hey Ladies, not only can you have one of these princes, but I come with the deal, too!"
Not me fat shaming them but come on, they're not in the best shape possible, are they? They need brides that aren't heavier than 150lbs when one of them is not even capable of shopping for a correct size of shirt, let alone work out (this I know by only looking at them)
‘Young ladies’ for two flabby walruses. It makes you want to weep.
wow girls what a couple of catches!!
Now imagine her as your MIL... Shudder
Yikes. She must be an absolute nightmare.
Why born us citizens?
Lmao mom kinda cute tho 🤣
She sets a weight limit but her sons are fat as fuck?! Lmaoooo
Good god, what a family of goblins. I doubt any woman is THAT desperate to get married!
I don’t have anything to add about the walrus boys they hasn’t already been said, so I’ll just ask this: is she wearing a bathing suit in her family photo?
Please tell me this isn't real!?
Those young men are unattractive and fat.
I'd have serious reservations about either of these young men, because of using a female relative to post a personals ad. What's wrong with them that they can't find women on their own? This isn't the old country anymore, you're living in CA in 2022. Go out and meet some nice young women on your own.