I've had some nice dates from simply telling the man that I prefer flowers on a first date (of course while not accepting coffee or drinks). I have a busy life I don't have a lot of time and if a man is willing to take me to dinner and also take the 15 minutes to buy a bouquet from the grocery store/Trader Joe's I figure it's worth getting dressed up and putting the effort in for. I always ask what they are looking for first before meeting up and make my intentions clear. My cut off game is strong, but thought this could be a helpful tip if you have to resort to OLD.
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I love this. I used to accept coffee dates prior to the pandemic, but then the pandemic showed me how nice it is to lounge around at home in my pajamas. If a guy wants me to put on clothes and brush my hair it's gotta be for more than coffee, lol.
You can probably also tell a lot by the quality of the flowers.
I love the flowers strategy! Do you let him know by saying what your favorite flowers are or are you more subtle?
I'm allergic to flowers. I wonder if I should say I like chocolate boxes in a first date?